
  • 网络Applied Bioscience;Applied Biological Sciences
  1. 美国生理学会成立于1887年,目的是促进基础和应用生物科学的发展。

    The American Physiological Society was founded in1887 to foster basic and applied bioscience .

  2. 建设应用生物科学实验教学中心

    Constructing Applied Biological Experiment Teaching Center

  3. 如全球外来入侵物种项目,是由联合国环境署和世界公约监控中心、全球生物多样性研究者网络、国际应用生物科学中心共同参与的。

    These include the Global Invasive Species Programme ; the UNEP / World Conservation Monitoring Centre ; Diversitas , a global network of biodiversity researchers ; and CAB International .

  4. 基因芯片技术已经广泛地应用到生物科学与医学研究的多个领域中。

    Microarray technology has been applied in a variety of biological and medical research fields .

  5. 三角回归被广泛地应用在医学、生物科学和工程技术等方面。

    Trigonometric regression is widely used in medical sciences , biology and engineering .

  6. 除了以上的犯罪法学上的明显作用外,这种工具也可以应用到其他的生物科学领域。

    Aside from its obvious role in criminal forensics , the tool may also be of use in various other areas of bioscience .

  7. 20世纪末,复杂网络取得了高速的发展,复杂网络广泛应用于经济学、生物科学、信息科学等各个领域。

    In the 20th century , complex network have made a rapid development . The complex networks are widely used in many different fields , such as economics , biological sciences , information science and so on .