
yìnɡ yònɡ cénɡ
  • application layer
  1. 最后,应用层(applicationlayer)对通过套接字传递数据具有深刻的意义。

    Finally , the application layer provides meaning to the data transported through the socket .

  2. 网络的应用层协议自行定义,由C语言实现。

    The application layer protocal is customed and is realized by C language .

  3. Web应用层推陈出新J2EE架构所面临的挑战

    Web Application Layer has Innovations and Brings Challenge to J2EE Frameworks

  4. 基于XML的应用层安全性的探讨

    Probing into Safety of Application Level Based on XML

  5. 迁移持久性层和应用层之后,现在您可以将注意力转向其余Web层了。

    With the persistence and application layer migrated , you can now turn your attention to the remaining Web layer .

  6. 应用层多播协议NICE及其在移动无线网络中的应用

    Application-layer multicast protocol NICE for mobile wireless network

  7. 基于应用层组播策略的P2P网络搜索模型研究

    Study on a P2P Network Searching Model based on Application-layer Multicasting

  8. 面向应用层QoS的实时视频优化码率控制

    The Optimized Rate Control Strategy Based on Application QoS for Real-Time Video

  9. 基于应用层的实时媒体流多播QoS的自适应方法

    An Application-level Based Adaptation Approach for Real-time Multimedia Multicast QoS

  10. TCP效率的高低直接决定了应用层的性能。

    The efficiency of TCP determines the function of the application layer .

  11. 第二章介绍了P2P覆盖网络与应用层组播。

    The second chapter describes P2P overlay network and application layer multicast .

  12. 在应用层协议中设计了总线的应用层接口以及API函数。

    Communication interface and API functions were clarified in the application layer protocol .

  13. 本文基于Mesh网优先的策略,提出了一种新的面向仿真的应用层组播协议。

    The paper presents a new simulation-oriented application layer multicast protocol which belongs to the mesh-first approach .

  14. 本文从企业级系统应用层安全的角度出发,深入研究J2EE多层体系结构的安全策略模型。

    This thesis deeply researches the J2EE security strategy on the application tier of enterprise system .

  15. 它是应用层信令控制协议,主要用于IP网络中媒体通信时的会话管理。

    It is the application layer signaling control protocol is mainly used in IP network traffic when the media session management .

  16. SIP是一个应用层的信令控制协议,用来创建、修改和终结一个或多个参加者参加的会话进程。这些会话包括Internet电话、Interact多媒体会议、远程教育以及远程医疗等。

    These sessions include Internet telephone calls , multimedia distribution , multimedia conferences , remote education and medical treatment .

  17. 介绍了应用层多播的概念及其特点,讨论并分析了一种应用层多播协议NICE。

    The paper presents the conception and the particularities of application-layer multicast , discusses and analyzes an application-layer multicast protocol NICE .

  18. 研究并设计数据访问层,封装API调用,透明为应用层服务。

    Design and implement the data access layer transparent to the application layer by encapsulating details of persistence storage .

  19. 系统基于Linux操作系统,主要使用Linux的内核编程技术及应用层的网络编程。

    The system is based on Linux operating system , mainly use Linux kernel programming and network programming in user level .

  20. 围绕远程计算的特性,介绍了基于客户端、Web层、应用层和后台数据库的仿真平台系统架构,具体讨论了实现计算服务的统一接口及其描述。

    According to the requirements of remote CFD simulation , the paper explains the systematic structure of platform and gives a detailed description of unified interface of web service .

  21. LIN应用层协议开发

    LIN Application Layer Protocol Development

  22. SIP应用层网关探讨及设计

    Discussing and design of SIP alg

  23. 呼叫接入控制技术是无线网络中保障用户业务QoS性能的应用层重要技术之一。

    In wireless network , call admission control ( CAC ) is one of the key technologies on application level .

  24. 基于UDP协议的应用层实时中间件

    Based on UDP protocol 's application layer real-time middleware

  25. IPTV业务中的应用层差错控制技术分析

    Application Layer Error Control Technologies for IPTV Services

  26. 其中SIP(sessioninitiationprotocol)作为一种应用层的信令控制协议,在大量的学术文献中被讨论过。

    As a signal-command protocol on application layer , SIP ( Session Initiation Protocol ) is discussed in amount of science literatures .

  27. 通过分析,提出了本系统地B/S模型,合理地将整个系统分为应用层、逻辑业务层和数据服务层,从技术层面上说明了系统应用的可行性。

    Through analysis , The B / S system structure model was proposed and the system was reasonably divided into application layer , logic business layer and data service layer .

  28. 论文工作分为理论分析与实验两个部分。在传统计算机安全理论的基础上,重点研究了网络环境中的安全问题,特别是HTTP协议之上的应用层安全。

    The research focus on the security issues in network computing environment , specially , the application layer security over HTTP .

  29. 我们从TCP/IP协议研究中总结出若干应用层协议设计原则,并应用它们完整设计了一个即时通讯系统协议。

    Secondly , by using some application protocol designing laws extracted from TCP / IP protocol family , the round-trip IM protocol designing is demonstrated .

  30. 本文方案基于应用层对QoS加以控制:在发送端控制发送速率;在接受端进行纠错控制以实现连续播放。

    This paper has offered QoS control to realize continuous playing based application layer that is controling the sending rate and error correction .