- 名interest payable;accrued profits;interest in red

Examples of accrued liabilities include interest payable , income taxes payable , and amounts related to payrolls .
Two other commonly found liability accounts are interest payable and taxes payable , most liability accounts end with the word payable .
Accrued Interest : Interest that is earned but not yet paid on a bond or other obligation .
If interests have not been paid , the interests payable should be adjusted to compute the cash payments for interests .
The cash for this , less what can be raised at auction , can only , eventually , come from the taxpayer .
Credit risk . The possibility that the company holding your money will not pay the interest or dividend due , or the principal amount when it matures .
Option arms allow borrowers to choose a low minimum monthly payment that often falls short of the interest due on the loan , typically for five years .
The increase in interests payable should be subtracted from the interest expenses that appear on the income statement , and the decrease in interests payable should be added to interest expense .
If the last repayment day of loan principal is not within interest payment day , the borrower shall pay up all the interest payable on the last repayment day of loan principal .
While Argentina defaulted on its foreign debt in July , its bonds have managed to maintain 80-90 per cent of their values – even though bondholders are not getting billions in interest due .
Any funds in the account reduce the loan interest paid .
You must repay the loan , and any interest that is due on it .
Note that the accrued liability for bond interest payable will be paid within a few months and , therefore , is classified as a current liability .
The bank caclulates loan interest as " simple " interest & for every payment period , multiply the current outstanding principal by the current interest rate to determine the interest payment .
Accounts payable and notes payable are typical example of current liabilities .
It is necessary , therefore , to pay some interest each year .
Compensation trade is , in a way , a kind of loan you need to pay the interest on the loan every year .