
kù cún xiàn jīn
  • cash in hand;cash on hand;cash in treasury
  1. 根据规定保管公司库存现金,有价证券及文件。

    According to the rules , taking care of the cash in hand and the documents of value .

  2. 库存现金、现金、货币资金的两个问题

    Two Problems of Cash on Hand , Cash and Currency

  3. 记账员负责ABIS中库房管理类交易的操作;管库员负责库存现金实物的保管。

    Bookkeeper responsible for ABIS warehouse management transaction operation ; warehouse keeper is responsible for the cash physical custody .

  4. 库存现金与活期和定期存款

    Cash on hand and demand and time deposits

  5. 期初库存在产品成本库存现金与活期和定期存款

    Cost of beginning work in process inventory cash on hand and demand and time deposits

  6. 登记资金使用明细,并与银行存款余额及库存现金余额核对;

    Booking in the detailed use of funds and check of bank balances and cash balances ;

  7. 库存现金及银行存款帐户

    Cash on hand in bank account

  8. 保管库存现金,有价证券和票据,以及空白银行支票等,并对其安全与完整负责。

    Safekeeping cash on hand , securities , bank cheque and notes , responsible for their safety and integrity .

  9. 那些没有必要用支票支付的小额款项由小额库存现金支付。

    Small payments that are impractical to make with a check are paid out of the petty cash fund .

  10. 现金包括库存现金,银行存款,和现金等价物,例如具有流动性的短期投资。

    Cash includes cash on hand , cash in bank , and cash equivalents such as liquid , short-term investments .

  11. 随着经济全球化发展和金融脱媒化的不断深入,商业银行间的竞争越来越激烈,高效、安全的库存现金运营管理体趋重要。

    With the development of economic globalization and financial disintermediation , competition among commercial banks becomes more and more fierce .

  12. 无线电器材库和盘存股当然,库存现金并未发生变化&新股直接发给了股东。

    Of course , no cash actually changes hands & the new shares of stock are sent directly to the stockholders .

  13. 现金,是指企业库存现金以及可以随时用于支付的存款。

    The term " cash " refers to cash on hand and deposits that are available for payment at any time .

  14. 天然气从地下储气库中泄露逸出不仅表示库存现金的流失,同时也削减了气库向市场供气的能力。

    The gas leakage from underground storage not only means loss of money but also means reduce of gas supply to market .

  15. 负责现金结算业务,应按照核定库存现金现额和现金支付范围支付现金。

    In charge of cash settlement , pay cash according to the limitation of cash on hand and the scope of cash payment .

  16. 商业银行在经营活动中保留的砚金称为存款准备金它由库存现金和在中央银行的存款两部分组成

    Commercial banks operations to keep the ink stone deposits in reserve money as its cash and by the Central Bank deposits in two parts

  17. 现金交易是由不同的分类账户来记录的,最常用的如:库存现金、零用现金和银行存款等。

    Various ledger accounts are used to record cash transactions ; some common examples are cash on hand , petty cash , and cash in banks .

  18. 严格执行库存现金限额,超过部分必须及时送存银行,不坐支现金,不认白条抵押现。

    Strictly execute the cash float , the cash above the mentioned must deposit in bank , not pay by the income and consider the blank note as the cash .

  19. 广义的现金是指除了库存现金之外,还包括各种形式的银行存款和银行本票、银行汇票及各种有价证券。

    The cash of the broad sense means in addition to cash in vault outside , also include the multiform bank deposit and cashier 's check , bank draft and various negotiable security .

  20. 银行的库存现金只够支付少部分储户的提款要求。我肯定不是唯一一个在少年时期震惊地发现这一点的人。

    Cannot be the only person who as an adolescent was shocked to discover that banks did not have enough cash in their vaults to repay more than a small proportion of their depositors .

  21. 包括库存现金、银行存款及周转金、零用金等,不包括已指定用途或依法律或契约受有限制者。

    Consisting of cash on hand , cash in bank , revolving funds and petty cash , but cash that is either restricted to be used only for specified purposes or by regulation or contracts is excluded .

  22. 是资产负债表的一个流动资产项目,包括库存现金、银行存款和其他货币资金三个总账账户的期末余额,具有专门用途的货币资金不包括在内。

    The balance sheet is a flow of assets , including cash , bank deposits and other currency fund three general ledger account at the end of the period , specialized use of monetary funds is not included .

  23. 同时,负债不转给北方公司,而由合伙企业从库存现金和出售企业的收入中支付,剩余现金再分配给合伙人。

    The liabilities will not be transferred to North Corporation , but will be paid by the partnership out of existing cash plus the proceeds of the sale , prior to any distribution of cash to the partners .

  24. 如何精确地衡量库存与现金周转效率?

    How to measure the efficiency of inventory vs cash occupied ?

  25. 库存和在途现金和银行存款

    Cash in Hand and in Transit and at Banks

  26. 但它表示,温和复苏是受到补充库存、旧车换现金计划以及人们所预期的增值税调高的推动。

    But it said the modest recovery was driven by restocking , the car scrappage scheme and the anticipated value added tax increase .

  27. 动态储备包括若干方面的动态要素,例如:储备粮总规模、库存形态(储备粮实物库存与现金库存的组合)、品种结构或时空布局等。

    Dynamic reserve includes several changing factors , such as general scale of grain reserve , stock pattern ( combination of physical stock and cash stock ), variety structure and space-time layout .