
  • 网络Coulomb field
  1. 双中心库仑场中的电子周期轨道可分为P1,P2和P3三类;

    The periodic orbits of an electron in a two-center Coulomb field can be classified into three types P1 , P2 and P3 , and then are labeled by using their winding numbers in the separable ellipsoidal coordinates .

  2. 一段含源电路的欧姆定律与库仑场

    Ohm 's Law of a Piece of Electric Circuit Including Power Source and Coulomb Field

  3. 初道库仑场对低能电子碰撞H电离反应的影响

    Coulomb Effect in the Initial Channel of Ionization Reaction of Electron Impact Hydrogen at Low Energy

  4. 相对论性电子在强激光场和Debye屏蔽库仑场下的散射

    The scattering of relativistic electron in the intense field and Debye shield Coulomb potential

  5. 用WKB近似法计算库仑场的分波相角

    Calculates Angle of Electrostatic Field with WKB Method

  6. 团簇中的电子和核都处于周围无限大晶格产生的库仑场中,相应的HartreeFock算符进行了修改。

    The electrons and the nucleus of the cluster are in the Coulombic field created by the external infinite lattice , and these interactions are included in the Hartree-Fock operator . The method is illustrated by considering the formation of the F center defect in NaF .

  7. 屏蔽库仑场中的电子体系对称性的讨论

    A discussion on symmetry of electron in shelter coulomb space system

  8. 库仑场中束缚光学极化子的有效质量

    Effective Mass of Bound Optical Polarons in a Coulomb Potential

  9. 库仑场中的束缚光学极化子

    The Bound Optical Polaron in a Coulomb Potential

  10. 研究库仑场中强、弱耦合束缚极化子的性质。

    The properties of the strong - and weak-coupling bound optical polaron in a Coulomb field were studied .

  11. 在附加线性禁闭的库仑场中狄拉克方程低轨道激发态的确切解

    Exact Solutions of the Dirac Equation for Low Orbital State in a Coulombic Potential with Additional Linear Confinement

  12. 当所用激光辐射中的电场与氢原子中电子在基态所感受到的库仑场强度相当时会出现多光子电离现象。

    The multiphoton ionization will happen when the electric field of lasers is equivalent to the Coulomb field in a hydrogen atom .

  13. 库仑场的排斥效应使得核&核反应有效的碰撞参数增大,使计算的反应截面减小,同时这种修正的效应随能量增大而减小。

    Due to the repulsive Coulomb field , the effective impact parameter increases , and therefore the calculated reaction cross section decreases .

  14. 第二部分我们确定了库仑场囊(相对论氢原子)的本征值和本征函数,这几乎全是代数。

    In the second part we determine the eigenvalues eigenfucnctions for the Coulomb problem ( relativistic hydrogen atom ) in an almost algebraic fashion .

  15. 正负电子对的产生问题已经在很多条件下研究过,如在强库仑场条件和强激光场条件下。

    It has been investigated for the electron-positron pair creation in many cases , such as in the strong Coulomb potential and in the strong laser field .

  16. 利用并行快速傅立叶变换算法计算库仑场分布,降低算法复杂度,使计算速度大幅提高。

    Parallel fast Fourier transform algorithm is used to calculate the Coulomb field distribution , and reduce the complexity of the algorithm . The computing speed is substantial increased .

  17. 研究库仑场中束缚光学极化子的性质,采用线性组合算符和么正变换方法计算了强弱耦合情形束缚光学极化子的基态和第一激发态能量。

    In this paper , the properties of the bound optical polaron in Coulomb potential is studied , which is valid for the whole range of the electron-phonon coupling .

  18. 从最基本的库仑场守恒情况、椭圆方程和量子化条件出发,给出了索末菲定态椭圆轨道计算的详细推导过程。

    Based on the basic coulomb field conservation situation , elliptic equation and quantization rules , a detail derivation process of computation of Sommerfeld 's elliptical orbit of stationary state was given .

  19. 当入射电子处在有效电荷库仑场的情形下,我们计算了电子入射离化氦原子的三重微分截面,并发现现有的理论计算与实验结果很好的一致。

    We compute the triple differential cross section for electron impact ionization atomic helium using Coulomb waves with an effective charge for the incoming electron and find very agreement with experiment and with previous calculations .

  20. 本文将从静止点电荷的库仑场出发,利用洛仑兹变换导出电磁场的基本规律,其中包括:(1)从库仑定律导出毕奥&萨伐尔定律;

    In this paper , the basic laws of electromagnetic field are derived from Lorentz transform the basis of Coulombian field of static point change . They are : 1 . Boit-Savart law derived from Coulomb 's law ;

  21. 文章针对由于电荷堆积形成的库仑场的三种情形,应用一段含源电路的欧姆定律,讨论了闭合电路中两点间的电势差问题。

    Based on the three situations of Coulomb field formed by electric charge accumuLation , and applying the Ohm 's Law of a piece of electric circuit including power source , this discusses the potential difference between two points in closed-circult .

  22. 求出了在附加线性禁闭的库仑场中狄拉克方程低轨道激发态的确切解,给出了低轨道激发态能量和相应波函数的解析表达式。

    Exact solutions of low orbital states are found to the Dirac equation for the combination of a Coulomb potential with a linear Confining potential . The analytical expressions of the binding energy and corresponding wave function are given for low orbital states .

  23. 任意微扰下的牛顿&库仑势场中的有限运动


  24. 震前库仑应力场采用地震断层反向滑移模型计算。

    The Coulomb stress change before a hypothetical earthquake is calculated based on a simple back-slip dislocation model of the event .

  25. 地震破裂动态应变场的计算为将来实现地震动态库仑破裂应力场的计算奠定了基础。

    The calculation of the dynamic strain field caused by the seismic rupture lays a foundation for the calculation of seismic dynamic Coulomb failure stress field in the future .