
qìng zhù
  • celebrate;observe
庆祝 [qìng zhù]
  • [celebrate] 为共同的喜事而进行某些活动表示高兴或纪念

  • 庆祝胜利

庆祝[qìng zhù]
  1. 俱乐部明年要庆祝成立一百周年。

    The club will celebrate its centenary next year .

  2. 我们到一家饭店里庆祝了一番。

    We went out to a restaurant to celebrate .

  3. 她希望庆祝活动仅限于家人参加。

    She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair .

  4. 明天上午获胜队将在城内举行庆祝游行。

    The victorious team will parade through the city tomorrow morning .

  5. 这次节日庆祝活动成功与否,在很大程度上就看赞助了。

    The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success .

  6. 她刚庆祝了自己在公司任职25周年。

    She has just celebrated 25 years ' service with the company .

  7. 市长的光临为庆祝活动增辉。

    The mayor was there to dignify the celebrations .

  8. 我们在佛罗伦萨庆祝结婚25周年。

    We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence .

  9. 他们举办露天音乐会来庆祝这个特别的时刻。

    They marked the occasion with an open-air concert .

  10. 我的父母亲即将庆祝结婚30周年。

    My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage .

  11. 这所学院去年举行了建院25周年庆祝活动。

    The college celebrated its silver jubilee last year .

  12. 管它花多少钱,咱们先庆祝一番再说!

    Let 's celebrate and damn the expense !

  13. 他们于五月份庆祝了银婚纪念日。

    They celebrated their silver wedding in May .

  14. 她的胜利是庆祝的理由。

    Her triumph was a cause for celebration .

  15. 热诚邀请您参加为迈克尔∙布朗先生退休举行的庆祝会。

    You are cordially invited to a celebration for Mr Michael Brown on his retirement .

  16. 苏格兰的冠军庆祝胜利!

    Scottish champs celebrate victory !

  17. 庆祝牙买加节的准备工作正开展得如火如荼。

    Plans are rolling full steam ahead for the Jamaica Festival .

  18. 开场的一幕是他们在庆祝自己突然从战争中解脱了出来。

    The opening scene shows them celebrating their sudden deliverance from war

  19. 互换爱情信物以庆祝2月14号情人节的风俗

    the custom of exchanging love tokens to celebrate February 14 .

  20. 庆祝活动出乎意料地悄然开始。

    The festival started with a whimper rather than a bang .

  21. 然后就回到房子里悄悄地庆祝一番。

    Then it was back to the house for a quiet celebration

  22. 这个集团庆祝该政府于1979年上台执政。

    The group celebrated the regime 's rise to power in 1979 .

  23. 这是个值得举家庆祝的时刻。

    It is an occasion for all the family to celebrate

  24. 他和海伦去年庆祝了他们的银婚。

    He and Helen celebrated their silver wedding last year .

  25. 因庆祝劳工节,这个交易日交易时间缩短了。

    The trading day is shortened in observance of the Labor Day holiday

  26. 只有少数几个人能找到庆祝的理由。

    Only a few people can find any cause for celebration

  27. 越南政府已经决定于5月19日庆祝他的诞辰。

    The Vietnamese government has fixed on May 19th to celebrate his anniversary .

  28. 汤姆两天前庆祝了他的24岁生日。

    Tom celebrated his 24th birthday two days ago .

  29. 300名村民将在村礼堂举行一场舞会以示庆祝。

    Its 300 inhabitants will be celebrating with a dance in the village hall

  30. 全城居民庆祝缴获了两辆坦克。

    The whole town celebrated when two tanks were captured