
  1. 广州骑楼街空间分布特征与保护措施

    The Characteristics and the Protection Measure of the Arcade Street in Guangzhou

  2. 广州骑楼商业街是最有魅力的城市空间。

    Guangzhou business streets with protruding buildings are of the most charming urban space .

  3. 记忆的延伸、隐约的联想&广州骑楼建筑保护与发展

    Protection and Development of Colonnade in Guangzhou

  4. 广州骑楼街区保护与改造现象剖析

    The analysis on the protection and renewal of the traditional arcaded commercial street block in Guangzhou

  5. 广州近代骑楼发展考

    Textual Research on the Development of Modern Arcade in Guangzhou

  6. 在实地调查广州59个路段,共39450m长骑楼街的基础上,指出广州骑楼街的5种分布特征:(1)西部多,东部少;

    39,450 meter-long arcade street is distributed into 59 street sections in all in Guangzhou and with 5 kinds of characteristics : 1.there is more in the west part , less in the east ;