
  • 网络Agoraphobia;agoraphobic;Fear of open spaces
  1. 告诉你,广场恐惧症是非常奇特的。

    I tell you , agoraphobia , it 's so bizarre .

  2. 他说是他导致了她的广场恐惧症。

    He says he caused her agoraphobia .

  3. 她写了一些广场恐惧症不好的东西。

    She writes some pretty ballsy stuff for an agoraphobic .

  4. 这些书籍一定是他逃避生活压力的阀门。这些外界生活的影像被用来缓解广场恐惧症和强迫性囤积习惯的压力对他产生的折磨。

    Sweets : These must have been an escape valve for him , images of a life outside of here where he wasn 't tormented by his compulsion and agoraphobic .

  5. 在我的人生中是第一次,一种极度的担忧占据我的内心——事实上,它就像侵占——有点像是广场恐惧症。

    For the first time in my life , an overwhelming anxiety took possession of me - and , truly , it was like possession - along with something like agoraphobia .