
At the time of broadcast , the M & S adverts were cleared for use , deemed a'fair'way to advertise adult lingerie , but both Diesel ads were banned from being used as billboard posters .
The Legislative Foundation of Comparative Advertisements in Market Regulation
The Interpretation of Folklore Culture on Advertisement Behavior Narration
There is a connected effect between advertisement behavior narration and folklore culture .
A pragmatic analysis of brand names and advertising behavior
An economic analysis of enterprise advertising behavior
Guiding Lines for Consumers in Advertising Activity
Market Conduct is expressed by the pricing conduct , the advertising conduct and the conduct of annexing ;
Illegitimate competition behavior in promotion tactics includes trading activity with conditions and selling goods with improper prize .
Multifactor analysis of children 's behavior propensity after watching CTA depended on grade , gender and pocket-money per week .
The second part : boundaries of criminal responsibility and administrative responsibility and civil responsibility of " False advertising sin " .
The legal responsibility of false advertising tort is various , this paper only refers to the tort liability of false advertising .
Illegal Comparative Advertisings are . mostly unfair competition acts . Mislead act and defame act are the usual illegal Comparative Advertisings .
Market behavior focused on the pricing behavior , merger behavior , product differentiation behavior , advertising behavior , cooperation and conspiracy behavior .
Folklore culture is the necessary support of advertisement behavior narration . Meanwhile , advertisement behavior narration has a retroaction on folklore culture .
At present , the responsibility of the executive-led system can not effectively curb the responsibility of sales of commercial behavior of false advertising .
The activity not only offers the information of where to invest , but also does persuasion of investment , taking the advertising effect .
The change of concentration bring the inverse change of adverting , it show us that enterprises will improve adverting if their market shares reduce .
Under the two market structures , this paper analyses competitive behavior of enterprises from three aspects of price behavior , research and development and advertising .
From the influence scope and depth of advertising behavior , the hypnotic effect of advertising can be divided into local advertising hypnotic effect and overall advertising hypnotic effect .
It compares the same points and different points of tourism false advertising behavior and false advertising behavior , and digs out the specialties of tourism false advertising behavior .
In empirical research the author also analysises the characteristics of advertising behavior of the automotive industry in our country , and estimates the impact of automotive advertising on auto sales .
Act of false advertising is a commonplace in our daily life , whereas there is little subject , who were dealt by the criminal punishment according to the crime of false advertising .
This part mainly explains the scope of different kinds of liability of false advertising behaviors ; make accurately definition of my own understanding for the three different responsibilities of false advertising behaviors .
This text discussed the advertisement behaviors and their attributes , and used the cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the advertisement behaviors , and gave out the choosing methods of advertisement medium combination through linear programming model .
From the price , advertising , scientific and technological innovation , and mergers and reorganization , with the method of descriptive statistics and case analysis , it makes an empirical analysis on the typical market conducts of the agricultural products processing enterprises in Xinjiang .
The behavior of the comparative advertisement is demonstrated by try in the article in the angle of Market , meanwhile , which theoretically analyzes the legislation of comparative advertisements ; the legislative foundation is hunted out in the ambient field of market regulation by the economic Law .
It is involved in the business competition of producers .
Research on Mechanism of Management of State-owned Enterprises Based on their Advertising Behavior
Research on the Effect of Brand Competitiveness and Debt Financing on Advertising Competition