
  1. 电视媒体广告营销策略研究

    The Research on the Strategy of Television Advertisement Management

  2. 脸书在今年下半年的时候会将他们成功的视频广告营销策略扩展到美国以外地区。

    Facebook will also expand its successful video advertising strategy beyond the U.S. later this year .

  3. 本文从整合营销传播的角度探讨了海尔集团广告营销策略与企业文化策略整合的新境界。

    This paper discusses a new state of integrated advertisement marketing and corporation culture strategy of Haier Group according to Integrated Marketing communications .

  4. 小说期刊的运营方式、广告营销策略和发行方式,对专门性期刊的发展产生了深远的影响。

    Operating mode of Fiction Periodicals , advertising , marketing strategy and distribution , had a profound impact of the development of specialized periodicals .

  5. 在广告营销策略中,借助什么媒体、如何借助媒体传播有效信息一直是广告营销策略的核心命题。

    Marketing strategy in advertising , using what media , how effective information dissemination through media advertising marketing strategy has always been the core proposition .

  6. 同时,希望本文对其相关广告产品的营销策略研究起到一定的借鉴作用。

    At the same time , this study could make some reference for marketing strategy of the related advertising products .

  7. 创业者从店面选址到装修,从员工培训到经营制度,从广告宣传到营销策略都由总部专业人员提供统一的创业方案。

    Entrepreneurs from the store location to decoration , from staff training to the operating system , from advertising to marketing professionals by the headquarters of a unified business plan .

  8. 广告文化的超越&论海尔集团广告营销策略与企业文化策略的整合

    Overstepping Advertisement Culture & Analys is of Integrated advertisement marketing strategy and corporation culture strategy in Haier Group

  9. 在我国电信业又一次重组的环境下,对手机广告业发展还处于初始阶段的CU公司公司而言,研究其当前发展战略下的手机广告营销策略是十分必要的。

    It is very necessary to studies the mobile-phone advertisment marketing strategy under the environment of our country telecommunications reorganizes once again and current development strategy of CU corporate Corporation which the preliminary stage of the mobile-phone advertising industry development at .