
  • 网络Advertising Strategy
  1. 品牌创建包括了品牌定位、品牌决策、品牌命名和CIS设计;品牌营销包括了产品策略、价格策略和渠道策略;品牌传播包括了广告策略、公关策略和整合营销传播IMC策略。

    Create brand includes brand positioning , brand decision , brand name and CIS design ; brand marketing include product strategy , price strategy and channel strategy ; brand communication includes advertising strategy , public relations strategy and integrated marketing communication strategy of IMC .

  2. 基于微分对策的多寡头品牌和大类广告策略研究

    Competitive Brand and Generic Advertising Strategy in Oligopoly with Differential Game

  3. 两年前的伦敦夏季奥运会期间,宝洁公司使用了相同的广告策略:这段名为“最佳工作”(BestJob)的广告描述了母亲含辛茹苦抚养运动员的艰辛历程,同样获得很好的反响。

    P & G took the same tack two years ago at the London Olympics with " best job , " a campaign about the hard work mothers do to raise an athlete .

  4. 供应链中合作广告策略的Stackelberg微分对策模型

    Stackelberg Differential Game Model for Cooperative Advertising Strategies in Supply Chain

  5. 他表示,WhatsApp仍将维持零广告策略,继续推行订阅模式。

    He said the company does not plan to add advertising , sticking instead to a subscription model .

  6. 越来越多的用户通过手机设备登陆Facebook,公司推出了一款堪与谷歌(Google)媲美的全新搜索功能,华尔街对它的关注也日益增加。Facebook的广告策略不论是在内部还是外部均获得了极大的关注。

    With more users logging onto Facebook from mobile devices than ever before , a new search feature that competes with Google , and increased scrutiny from Wall Street , Facebook 's ad strategy has received considerable attention both inside and outside the company .

  7. 过去的很多研究都集中于定性地分析销售促进手段,而本文运用Matlab的仿真手段,在基于主体的微观模型之上,对于扩散干预中比较常用的两种手段&赠品和广告策略进行了研究。

    A lot of researches in the past focused on qualitative analysis of the sale promotion strategies . This thesis used Matlab simulation to study the sale promotion strategies based on this agent based model , focusing on the two commonly used strategies : free sampling and advertisement .

  8. 引入产品价格弹性因素和博弈论中Nash均衡的合作与非合作模型,分析了在制造商面临竞争的情况下,选择价格折扣后,制造商和零售商之间如何确定制造商和零售商的最优广告策略。

    This part , after introducing the factor of product price elasticity and the Nash Equilibria of cooperative and non-cooperative models in the Game Theory , analyzes the optimum advertisement strategy adopted by manufacturers and retailers when the manufacturers are facing competition and choose the price discount .

  9. 中国快速消费品市场广告策略研究

    Research on Advertising Strategy of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in China

  10. 《江苏临床医学杂志》成功的广告策略

    Examples of successful advertising tactics in Journal of Jiangsu Clinical Medicine

  11. 供应链中的均衡价格和广告策略研究

    The Equilibrium Price and Advertising Strategies in a Supply Chain

  12. 新型消费文化趋势下的网络广告策略

    Under the Trend of New Consumer Culture of the Online Advertising Strategy

  13. 随着市场竞争不断升级,越来越多开始重视对于广告策略的研究。

    Pointed out the importance of advertising strategy in the marketing strategy .

  14. 基于消费者心理的网络广告策略分析

    Research on Web Advertising Strategy Based on the Consumer Psychology

  15. 解读征服女性消费心理的广告策略

    Interpretation of Advertisement Strategies on How to Conquer the Female

  16. 提供统一高效的促销广告策略及宣传品。

    Unified and efficient advertising strategy and publicity for promoting .

  17. 制定项目整体广告策略及推广方案。

    Draft the overall-design advertising strategy and promotional program of the project .

  18. 基于微分对策的供应链合作广告策略

    Strategies of Cooperative Advertising in Supply Chain with Differential Game

  19. 这么说,你对我们的广告策略并不满意?

    So you are not happy about our advertising strategies ?

  20. 广告策略在提升品牌影响力中的应用研究

    The Research on Advertisement Strategy Applied in Enhancing Brand Influence

  21. 恰尼先生也不打算改变他备受争议的广告策略。

    Nor does Mr Charney intend to change his controversial approach to advertising .

  22. 他们积极的广告策略使其赢得了化妆品市场的领先地位。

    Their aggressive advertising strategies have lead them to dominate the cosmetics market .

  23. 中国邮政储蓄银行网络营销的广告策略

    Network advertisement sales strategy of China Postal Savings Bank

  24. 产品周期的市场特征与广告策略关系辩析

    The Relationship between Market Characteristic in Cycle of the Products and Advertising Strategy

  25. 麦当劳在中国的广告策略

    The Advertising Strategy of McDonald 's in China

  26. 大家都期望新的广告策略会有积极的反响。

    Everyone had expected that the new advertising strategy would have a positive response .

  27. 广告策略的数学分析

    A Mathematical Analysis of an Advertising Strategy

  28. 并探讨了垄断扩散情况下动态最优广告策略的特性,得到了一些分析性结果。

    Some analytical results are obtained to reveal some properties of the optimal advertising strategies .

  29. 市场经济中体育的广告策略

    Advertisement Tactics of Sports in Economic Market

  30. 全球本土化的广告策略作为研究结果,也给快销广告的制作者提供一些有效的建议。

    Meaningful suggestions of glocal strategy for FMCG advertisers are given by this study results .