
  • 网络Advertising effectiveness;Effects of Advertising
  1. 点击率(Click-throughrate,CTR)作为广告效果最常使用的评价指标,广告点击率预测对提升广告投放的收益和用户的体验有至关重要的作用。

    CTR ( Click-through rate ) is the most commonly used evaluation about advertising effectiveness , advertising click-through rate prediction play a crucial role to enhance advertising revenue and user experience .

  2. 利用SPSS统计软件,采用多种统计分析方法,验证了吸引力、认知度、信息针对性、行为度作为影响网络视频广告效果的四大关键因素及其重要度排序。

    Using SPSS statistical software and a variety of statistical analysis to verify the appeal , awareness , information targeted , and behavior degree as the four key factors of impact on online video advertising effectiveness .

  3. 还有许多广告商仍然质疑Facebook的广告效果。

    Many advertisers still question the effectiveness of Facebook .

  4. 同传统的管理人员主观判断和单一评价指标相比,DEA模型提供了一种更为有效的广告效果评价方法。

    Compared with the traditional subjective judgments of administrative staff and single evaluation index model , DEA model has offered a more effective method in appraising advertisement effect .

  5. 增强广告效果的策略&谈引起注意

    Tactics for increasing advertisement effect - to talk about causing attention

  6. 商品广告效果的显著性统计测度探讨

    The study of statistical Measure of Ad Effect on Expanding Commodity

  7. 以整合营销传播理论论述了要从目标消费人群的角度评估广告效果;

    To evaluate advertising effects from the point of target audience ;

  8. 广告效果下降原因及其对策分析

    An Analysis of the Reason of Declining Advertising Effects and Its Countermeasures

  9. 从对定性研究与定量研究的比较出发论述了要定性研究与定量研究相结合评估广告效果。

    To evaluate advertising effects with both qualitative research and quantitative research .

  10. 利用接触度分析对广告效果进行定量研究。

    To evaluate advertising effects with quantitative research based on contacting analyses .

  11. 基于人脸检测与跟踪的广告效果评估系统

    Advertisement effect evaluation system based on face detection and tracking

  12. 名人推荐者道德声誉对名人广告效果的影响

    The effect of morality reputation on evaluations to celebrity endorser and endorsement

  13. 网络横幅广告效果影响因素研究

    An Empirical Study on the Driving Factors of Online Banner Advertisement Effect

  14. 媒介情境对广告效果的影响之研究综述

    The Effects of Media Context on Advertisement Effectiveness : A Literature Review

  15. 名人广告效果的制约因素研究述评

    A review of researches on the factors restricting the effectiveness of celebrity advertising

  16. 目标受众精确,广告效果好。

    Precise target audience , advertising effect is good .

  17. 双关语·会话含义理论·广告效果

    Puns · Theory of Conversational Implicature · Advertising Effect

  18. 联合利华之2005:央视广告效果大阅兵

    2005 of Unilever : Review Ad Effects of CCTV

  19. 如何利用意见领袖加强广告效果

    How to Use Ideas Leaders to Intensify Advertisement Effect

  20. 第三部分:对房地产广告效果评定。

    Chapter three : Real estate advertising effect evaluation .

  21. 关于国外的两场体育赛事广告效果研究

    A Study on the Effectiveness of the Advertisement at two Overseas Sport Events

  22. 论市场营销中名人广告效果的制约因素

    On the Restrictive Factors of Advertisement Effect from Celebrities in the Marketing Management

  23. 缺乏对广告效果的研究是广告宣传中存在的一个突出问题。

    Lacking study on advertising effects is a big issue for advertising industry .

  24. 同时对人口统计变量与广告效果之间的关系进行了系统的研究与分析。

    Meanwhile , the writer researched the relationship between demographic variables and advertising effectiveness .

  25. 企业如何提高广告效果

    How Can Enterprise Raise the Effect of Advertisement

  26. 基于结构式方程的广告效果测量

    Research on Measuring Advertising Effectiveness with Constructive Equation

  27. 广告效果评估模型及其应用研究

    Research on Advertising Effect Model and Its Application

  28. 浅析网络广告效果评价方法

    On the Measurements of Online Advertisement Effectiveness

  29. 中国媒介产业化背景下广告效果评估的初步研究

    The Elementary Study of Advertisement Effect Evaluation under the Background of Media Industrialization in China

  30. 网络广告效果评估的首要工作就是获得统计数据。

    The first and foremost task for assessing online advertisement is to acquire statistical data .