
  • 网络slogan;advertising slogan
  1. 在广告口号的创作中,语言的诉求占有很重要的位置。

    In the creation of advertisement slogans , language plays an important part .

  2. 广告口号的语言诉求

    On the language choice of advertisement slogans

  3. 那是他们的广告口号,目的是让大家买可口可乐。

    That was their advertising slogan to get people to buy Coca-Cola .

  4. 那条广告口号是双关语。

    The advertising slogan was a play on words .

  5. 论广告口号翻译中的读者关注

    On Concern for Readers in Advertising Slogan Translation

  6. 关联理论框架下广告口号在广告商和消费者之间的媒介作用

    The Study of Advertising Slogans as Media between Advertisers and Audience under the Framework of Relevance Theory

  7. 广告口号是广告中长期反复使用的一种简明扼要的口号性语句,通过语言这一物化形式表现出来。

    Advertisement slogans are long term repetitively used simple and brief slogan words and sentences , manifested by languages .

  8. 这首歌甚至把该口香糖产品的广告口号“双重快乐,双重乐趣”融入到歌词里面。

    The song even incorporated the product 's slogan ," double your pleasure , double your fun ," into the lyrics .

  9. 本文通过探讨广告口号中的七种互文性,以证明在商业广告中互文性普遍存在。

    The present study demonstrates seven types of intertexts in the advertising slogans in order to show the popularity of intertextuality .

  10. 本文就英汉翻译中如何将广告口号语原文中美的内涵与美的语言在译文中得到体现这一问题进行探讨和分析。

    This thesis discusses the aesthetic complex of advertisements and analyze how the aesthetic use in the advertisement language and its translation .

  11. 瓶装水公司的广告口号使人们感到瓶装水来自于洁净、未受到污染的水源。比我们日常饮用的自来水加工成的饮用水更为健康。

    The general marketing messages from bottled water companies implied that their products come from pristine sources yet many of them come from the tap .

  12. 在广告口号的创作中应注重语言的效果,使之既精确凝练、又独具特色,既生动优美、又通俗易懂。

    In the creation of advertisement slogans , we should pay attention to the language effect and make it not only accurate and characteristic , but also vivid , graceful and popular .

  13. 广告口号是从长远销售利益出发,在一定时期内反复使用的特定宣传语句。

    The advertising slogan , serving as the specific sentence for the sake of propagandizing the product and corporate image , is used repeatedly in a period of time in the long run of considering profit on sales .

  14. 广告标语口号的套译

    An Effective Method of Coping Translation of Ad 's Slogans

  15. 优秀的广告标题和口号能够吸引潜在的顾客,诱导消费者进一步阅读广告正文,从而采取购买行动。

    The title and slogan in a piece of successful advertisement not only attract some potential consumers , but convince them of further reading the contents of the advertisement and do some buying .

  16. 在这个纷杂的社会,人们早已对各式的广告、宣传、口号产生了免疫和反感。

    In this distracting society , people were immune for several of advertising , Propagate language , and slogan and the same time we also feel antipathy .

  17. 由于浏览广告标题或广告口号的人比阅读广告正文的人要多得多,因此,谚语主要是用做广告标题或广告口号。

    What is more , people tend to glance over slogans or headings of advertisements rather than to read the texts , proverbs are thus mainly used as the former .

  18. 广告语又称广告口号,广告标题。

    Slogans are known as advertising slogans , and title .

  19. 一直以来,广告只借助广告词和口号来吸引我们的耳朵,很大程度上忽略了日常生活中的声音—如煎牛排的滋滋声,婴儿的笑声和其他一些我们身体不由自主就会被吸引的响声。

    Historically , ads have relied on jingles and slogans to catch our ear , largely ignoring everyday sounds-a steak sizzling , a baby laughing and other noises our bodies can 't help paying attention to .

  20. 本文以现代英语广告中一些典型的广告和广告口号为例,从词汇、语法和修辞特征三个方面分析、归纳了广告英语的文体特点。

    This article makes an analysis of the stylistic characteristics of advertising English . It analyzes and sums up the characteristics in the three aspects of vocabulary , grammar and rhetoric through some typical English advertisements and advertising slogans .

  21. 本研究希望能够给广告人一些有益的启示,为帮助他们提高广告口号的有效性和生命力尽一点绵薄之力。

    We hope that our research can draw due attention of some marketers and help them improve the effectiveness of their ad slogans .

  22. 广告翻译作为翻译的一个特殊研究方向还没有得到足够的研究,更不用说广告口号翻译了。

    As a specialized research area of translation , advertising translation has not been adequately studied , let alone advertising slogan translation .