
  • 网络advertising ethics
  1. 中华传统文化与广告伦理探析

    Probing into Chinese Traditional Culture and Advertising Ethics

  2. 广告伦理问题纷纷浮出水面,引起社会的极大关注。

    The appearances of the advertising ethics one after another arose profound attention of the society .

  3. 论消费异化与广告伦理

    Consuming Alienation and Ethics of Advertisements A New Discussion on Alienation

  4. 浅谈广告伦理道德和社会责任

    Brief Talking about ADs ' Ethical Moralities and Social Responsibilities

  5. 21世纪以来日本广告伦理研究的基本走向

    The basic trend of Japanese advertisement ethics study since the entry of 21st century

  6. 后工业社会下的广告伦理问题探讨

    Advertisement Ethics in Post-Industrial Society Questions Discussion

  7. 符号消费与广告伦理

    Symbolic Consumption and Advertising Ethics

  8. 第四部分,加强广告伦理建设,倡导合理消费。

    The fourth part , says the enchantment of the ethical construction in advertisement and advocacy of appropriate consumption .

  9. 为预防广告伦理问题的产生,本文提出完善广告伦理体系(包括原则和规范);

    In order to prevent the advertising ethical problems , this essay advocate perfect advertising ethical system ( including principles and guidelines );

  10. 广告伦理要求广告语言既要表现伦理诉求,又要反映出道义上的责任感。

    In another word , ad language must be real in content ( not exaggerated and vague ), and moral in ideas ( not vulgar , misleading and slanderous ) .

  11. 本文认为,广告伦理缺失的危害主要在于弱化了伦理道德的调节力量,阻碍了广告业本身与市场经济的正常发展,导致了社会诚信指数的不断消解,并最终扭曲了社会的主流价值观。

    The article argues that the harm mainly lies in weakening the regulating power of the ethics , hindering the development of advertisement and socialist market economy and resulting in the decreased good faith and distortion of mainstream values .

  12. 笔者从广告伦理研究的新视野出发,分析处于社会转型时期的中国现代广告伦理建设问题,认为现代广告传播伦理是基于现代广告业的发展之上的,它具有很明显的社会性和时代特征。

    The author from the new vision of advertising ethics , analyzes the building of modern advertising ethics during the social transformation in China , that ethics is based on modern advertising communication of the development of modern advertising industry , it has obvious social and historical characteristics .

  13. 在分析新型广告技术伦理与传统伦理学的关系的基础上,详述了新型广告技术伦理应该遵循的四大原则,即正义原则、无害原则、尊重原则和自律原则。

    Based on the analysis of relationship between new advertising technology ethics and traditional ethics , four principles for new ethics have been illustrated , which include justice , harmlessness , respect , and self-discipline .

  14. 广告的社会伦理责任

    The Social and Moral Duty of Advertisement

  15. 广告设计的伦理策略

    Ethics Strategy of Advertisement Design

  16. 广告语言的伦理性分析

    Ethical Analysis of Ad Language

  17. 试论现代广告创意与传统伦理文化

    Modern Innovation of Advertisement and Traditional Culture of Ethics

  18. 公益广告倡导合理的伦理秩序,传播文明伦理精神,明确社会道德价值取向。

    The public service advertising proposes the reasonable ethical order , spreads the ethical spirits of the civilization and makes clear the value of the social morality .

  19. 广告在实现其经济目的的同时,也承担着重要的社会伦理责任。强调广告的社会伦理责任是和谐社会思想道德建设的需要,是树立良好的企业形象的需要。

    It is necessary to stress the social and moral duty of advertisement in constructing a harmonious society and setting a good image for an enterprise .