
  1. 作为一种广教化而厚风俗的文化形态和非正式制度,传统乡规民约经历了一个曲折而漫长的发展演进过程,其形式从口耳相传、约定俗成发展为文本化和系统化。

    As a culture pattern and an unofficial system , the traditional village regulations and rules have undergone through a long process of evolution .

  2. 本校七年制学生的教学经历了近十年的探索,确定了七年制学生的教学宗旨,其最终目标是培养知识广、基础厚、能力强、潜力大的应用型高级临床医师。

    Our final aim of seven-year program , which has experienced nearly a decade research , is to cultivate senior clinical doctors who are capable of being knowledgeable , better competence and greater potentiality .