
Therefore , Chinese listed companies must further adjust and optimize their broad capital structure .
Broad capital structure of modern companies depend on their economic interests circumference scope and negotiating capacity .
The specificity of broad capital structure of listed companies determines the specificity of its management structure in China .
Chinese listed companies overall declined in the quality in recent years , the fundamental reason is that the broad capital structure is unreasonable , and lack of economic efficiency .
From the perspective of the broad capital structure , the listed companies in China can be divided into three types : energy-based companies , technology-based companies and knowledge-based companies .
To a large extent , capital structure contains the formation of capital and the mutual relations of its formation , which includes the ownership structure and debt structure .
Then , with the lagged dependent variable , this paper uses dynamic adjustment panel data model to estimate the capital structure adjustment model with GMM and further analyze the adjustment of the capital structure and its affecting factors .