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A Kind of Dirac Operator in Hyperbolic Complex Space and Unitary Transformation
In the process , only the unitary transformation and Hadamard transformation are nsed .
The polarization potential can be gained by the first canonical transformation .
The unitary transformation we named U transformation is same for different quantum state belonging to Bob .
The circuitry of quantum communication is provided , and the author obtains Bell radix and quantum gate for corresponding unitary transformation matrix by the circuitry .
In chapter 5 , we define quantum binary symmetric channels via the invariance of fidelity under unitary transformation of input density operators .
The deviations of the two unitary transformations were obtained through a great deal of paper in Physics Review A and Physics Review Letters from 1998 to 2003 , and many constraints imposed as deviation .
The second scheme takes the ordered four-particle W state as the information carrier , using unitary permutation to encode and directly transfers secret message by local Bell base measurement and classic communication .
An analytical results based on an unitary transformation are also given , which could not modify the RWA picture essentially .
The teleportation scheme of an N-particle unknown state can be realized by Alice 's Bell-state measurements and Bob 's computation basis measurements and unitary transformations with the probability of the successful teleportation ( 2 / 3 ) ~ N.
With the help of Bell-state measurements and Hadamard measurement , an arbitrary two-particle state can be perfectly teleported if a receiver introduces a collective unitary transformation . The unitary transformation is given uniquely .
A solution to Jaynes-Cumming model by using super - symmetric unitary transformation
According to these messages , one can configure all information of the original quantum state at place B.In the scheme of teleporting an arbitrary three-particle entangled state , the collective unitary transformation performed by Bob is different from in others .
In the process , the sender Alice makes the Bell states measurement twice , and then sends the outcome to Bob by classical channel , so Bob can reconstruct the quantum state which Alice wants to send by using the corresponding unitary transformation .
With a unitary transformation , the Schrodinger equation is transformed into the standard Mathieu equation in the generalized momentum presentation . The energy spectrum and the wave functions of the system are obtained .
Solving a generalized jaynes & cummings model by supersymmetric unitary transformation
Therefore , the invariants of local unitary transformations have special importance .
By exploiting a general unitary transformation , the fidelity of clones is derived .
Invariant-Related Unitary Transformation Method and Evolution of the Third-Quantized Wave Function of the Universe
In other words , The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations .
The first time , the real-time unitary transformation was realized in free-space quantum communication experiment .
Based on supersymmetric mechanics , it is introduced supersymmetric unitary transformation to diagonalize the Hamiltonian .
The Study of the System with Varying Mass by Making Use of the Time-dependent Unitary Transformations
Unitary transformation and general linear transformation by an optical method (ⅱ) & the iterative method of solution
Further theoretical analysis indicates that there is a conversation law only when unitary transformation symmetry group exist .
A complete set of invariants can be used to judge the equivalence of two states under LUT .
Based on the cavity quantum electrodynamics , a scheme to implement the transformations of quantum cloning is proposed .
We show that the teleportation can be successfully realized with a certain probability if the receiver adopts an appropriate unitary-reduction strategy .
While we obtained them by only one natural demand , that is , the two fidelities at the output are equal .
One of the important questions in quantum information theory is how to judge whether two mixed states are equivalent under LUT .