
Have analysed emphatically that squares enterprise in the midwest merge reason theory and reason .
A Review of the Research on Motivation Theory of Financial Industry 's Cross Boarder M & A
Those theories mostly rely on three economics background , i.e. neoclassical synthetically school , new institutional economics and principal - agency theory .
The thesis , on the base of reviewing the M A motive theories and previous research relevant to M A performance , takes Financial ratio analysis to study on M A performance .
Thirdly , this section discuss the motivation of merger and acquisition , including the theory of efficiency , the theory of supply cost , the theory of undervalue , the theory of market possess , the theory of profit reassign .
Research Summary on Motivations of the Bank Merger Theories
Chapter III introduces the theories about merger motivation , elaborately reviewing different kinds of theories about foreign acquisition motivation and briefly surveying the domestic researches on merger motivation .
The last section introduces foreign M & As in China .
Then , the categories of M A in Chinese listed companies are introduced , followed by the introduction of the categories of the M A incentive theories . It provides the fundamentals for discussion on the empirical study afterwards .
First , elaborate the content of M A and the related theories of M A , while focusing on the motivation theory of the M A performance .
The possible motivation for merger & acquisition of banks is first analyzed in this dissertation . In general , such motivations can be classified as two types : internal motivations and external motivations .
The development of the MA practice promote the study on MA theory . Theory of Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions , is overall consists of the MA motive theory and the MA value creation theory .