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  1. 好时和费列罗拥有强大而保守的控股股东分别是HersheySchoolTrust和费列罗家族年逾八旬的老族长。

    Hershey and Ferrero have powerful , conservative controlling shareholders the Hershey School Trust and the octogenarian patriarch of the Ferrero family respectively .

  2. 我祖母已年逾八旬。

    My grandmother is in her eighties .

  3. 沙特政府成员不断洗牌,然而这位年逾八旬的技术官僚一直稳居其位。

    As government reshuffles have come and gone , the octogenarian technocrat has remained the one constant presence .

  4. 今年四月,这位深圳地产和酒店业的年逾八旬的企业家向慈善机构捐赠了超过10亿美元。

    In April , the octogenarian Shenzhen real estate and hotel entrepreneur donated over $ 1bn to charity .

  5. 彼特森现已年逾八旬,他曾讲过,向他这样的肥猫提供减税是不道德的。

    Now in his 80s , he has spoken of the immorality of providing tax cuts to fat cats like himself .