
  • 网络ALI;annual limit intake;annual limit of intake,ALI
  1. 采用年摄入量限值(ALI)标准定义的放射性毒性,对散裂靶中散裂产物产生的放射性毒性进行研究分析。

    Then the radiological toxicity of spallation products was studied by applying the concept of annual limit of intake ( ALI ) .

  2. 制订公众的放射性核素年摄入量限值时考虑的几个问题

    Problems considered in setting the annual limits for intakes of radionuclides by general public

  3. 放射性核素体负荷量与年摄入量限值关系的探讨

    Investigation on the relationship between systemic burden and annual limits on intake of radionuclides

  4. 对放射性核素年摄入量限值制定中有关非随机效应靶器官的若干问题的讨论

    Some aspects of target organs in setting annual limits on intake of radionuclides for non-stochastic effects

  5. 不同年龄公众成员的放射性核素年摄入量限值。

    Annual limits on intake of some radionuclides for the public members with the different age .

  6. 本文简要介绍了国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)1990年建议书(ICRP60号出版物)附件B的主要内容,并对危险系数、组织权重因子及新的放射性核素年摄入量限值等有关问题进行了初步讨论。

    Main contents of Annex B to ICRP 60 recommendations are outlined and risk coefficient , tissue weighting factors and new annual limits for intake of radionuclides are discussed in this paper .