- 名flat file

Use the Enterprise Service Discovery wizard to create the inbound flat file service .
Programmatically obtaining enterprise-wide unique identifiers , such as IP addresses , from a database or flat file .
Order map takes input in the form of flat files and transforms them to XML .
Scenario two : Parsing XML files into flat files
With XML serialization , you can address many of the problems of flat files .
For example , it might encompass a relational database , flat files , or even XML documents .
In our example scenario , the user wants to write employee specific information from an XML file to a flat file .
In the Java environment , digital certificates are stored in keystores , which resolve to flat files in the directory structure .
In this case the metadata was provided in the form of an XML schema definition file that described the data in the flat files .
In the flat file source editor dialog box , use tab to move through the options .
Data Access : A BIRT report can access data from Databases , Web Services , Java Objects , XML documents and flat files .
More often than not , you will deal with XML data originating from an external source & perhaps a flat file , perhaps a Web service , perhaps something else .
It provides step-by-step instructions for reading business data from a flat file , transforming this data into XML , and populating a data warehouse with the transformed data .
DB2 Load is another means to load huge quantities of data from flat files , tapes , or named pipes into DB2 tables .
The process will run the simple Java component , put a message onto an MQ queue , then write to a flat file .
Combined . c is a very simple plug-in that reads authentication information ( user ID , clear-text password , and group membership ) from a predefined flat file .
You can export this statistical information from Lotus Domino to a flat file that you can load into either a database or spreadsheet .
The DB2 instance administrator has to provide this information in a flat file called db2auth_key.txt .
In model-less IDEs , content completion and tooling is accomplished through the use of static flat files listing available types .
Event sequencing can be applied to many inbound sources including flat file records , EIS systems , and queues .
OR : The problem is that one can simply not see that on the iPad since they 're all flat files .
You can use the JDBC , flat file , e-mail , and FTP adapters for both development and production right away .
The only other information specified in this flat file is the name of the configured DB2 System Administration group ( through the DB2 Database Manager SYSADM_GROUP configuration parameter ) .
You use the flat file resource adapter to access files , such as comma delimited or XML , in the same way you access another EIS or database .
This layer is responsible for running the application 's business logic and getting the relevant data ( for example , running an SQL command or reading a flat file ) .
Note that the code in this article does not search the LDAP data directly , but requires an export into a flat-file database before processing can occur .
It replaces DTS packages as one of the primary ways to move large amounts of data into and out of SQL Server from other data sources such as flat files and non-Microsoft databases .
In addition , many versions of Linux will load the entire flat file into memory during the grep run , vastly enhancing the performance on subsequent runs .
Message transformations at wire-speed and high scalability with any-to-any message transformations supporting formats such as text , binary , flat , CICS , CORBA , or EDI
Again : You just can 't design iPad apps in InDesign and export them as flat files .