
  • 网络planar projection;plane projection
  1. 基于彩色图像分割和平面投影变换的机器人障碍检测

    Robot obstacle detection with colored image segmentation and planar projection transformation

  2. 沙区土地利用变化作为人地关系作用结果的平面投影,成为该区生态环境与社会经济协调发展研究的的切入点。

    Sandy area land use change as a result the role of man-land relationship planar projection is the entry point of coordinated development of ecological environment and socio-economic study in this area .

  3. 关于AutoCAD中平面投影图生成的探讨

    The Discussion on How to Create Plane Projection Drawing in AutoCAD

  4. 平面投影成像,如整体荧光光学成像(Whole-bodyFluorescenceOpticalImaging,WFOI),因其实现相对简单,得到广泛应用。

    Because it is easy relatively to implement , the planar imaging is adopted widely such as Whole-body Fluorescence Optical Imaging ( WFOI ) .

  5. 对AutoCAD中平面投影图生成的两种方法进行了分析,重点对如何由三维实体模型转化生成平面投影图进行了研究,指出了在AutoCAD中生成平面投影图的正确方法。

    Two ways to get plane projection drawing in AutoCAD were analyzed . The method was studied for how to get plane projection drawing from 3D entity model . The correct method to create plane projection drawing in AutoCAD was pointed out .

  6. 以柳州汽车有限公司LZ1200M(8×4)车型为基础,从整体考虑双前桥转向机构的优化问题,通过平面投影的方法建立了双前桥转向系统的运动学模型。

    Based on the vehicle LZ1200M ( 8 × 4 ), this paper sets up a kinematical model of dual-front axle steering system by using the multiple-plane projection method . All structural parameters affecting the system are considered .

  7. 两种区分平面投影图平面合痕类的算法

    Two Algorithms Distinguishing Distinct Link Diagrams up to Planar Isotopy

  8. 应变椭球体平面投影及在构造分析中的应用

    Plane Projection of Strain Ellipsoid and Its Application in Geologic Structure Analysis

  9. 提出了一种无需相机标定的立体图像对平面投影变换校正方法。

    A method is present to rectify stereo pairs without calibration for cameras .

  10. 利用平面投影图形确定三重积分的积分限

    Determing integral intervals in triple integral by projection

  11. 极射平面投影与乌氏网的绘制

    Stereographic projections and precise drawing of wulff net

  12. 卫星图像都是沿卫星飞行方向而获取的切平面投影图像。

    All satellite image are tangent plane projection obtained along the flight direction of satellite .

  13. 利用平面投影特性提高学生解题能力

    Making use of the projecting characteristics of planes to increase students ability to solve problems

  14. 基于直线与平面投影自动识别其位置及相互关系的研究

    Research on Automatic Recognition of Lines and Planes Position and Relationships Based on Their Projections

  15. 三维方向依赖弹性模量及其平面投影表明各向异性越来越显著。

    Three-dimensional directional representation of elastic moduli and the plane projections show that the elastic anisotropy is enlarged .

  16. 介绍潜水搅拌器转轮设计理论及方法,根据二维的设计方法,利用软件画出潜水搅拌器平面投影图、实现光滑性的检查。

    A brief description of the theory and method of blender designing , designing blender by using program .

  17. 在局部造型时避免了整体剖分中的平面投影法只向单一平面投影的缺点,改善了剖分效果。

    We avoided the disadvantages of whole triangulation mesh projecting to single plane and improve the result of triangulation mesh .

  18. 采用平面投影法简化空间矢量闭合方程,得到各个构件的运动参数表达式。

    This thesis adopts CPP ( coordinate-plane-projection ) method to simplify closed spatial vector equations to get each component motion parameters .

  19. 立方晶系(001)面极射赤道平面投影图的计算机实现

    Computer Programming Realization of the Projection Figure of Pole Point on Equator Plane of Cubic Crystal System ( 001 ) Plane

  20. 从对线圈曲线的平面投影几何分析入手,推导出了其空间曲线方程。

    Based on the geometrical analysis on the plane projection of 3D loop curve , the spatial equation of the loop shape was derived .

  21. 从三方面对绕飞轨道进行了描述:坐标平面投影,与坐标平面的夹角,绕飞轨道根数。

    The flying around orbit is described in three respects : the coordinate plane projection , the angle with the coordinate plane , flying around orbit elements .

  22. 利用优化因子的引入,将页面中特征的位置信息以调整距离的方式引入到哈希映射向随机超平面投影的过程中。

    By using the optimization factor , we introduce the location information of the page features into the projection of the hyperplane as the way of distance adjustment .

  23. 为了解决地图制图中不同坐标系之间的相互转换的问题,采用构建通用地理坐标转换类方法,实现常用大地坐标系和平面投影坐标系之间在相同或不同参考椭球参数下的相互转换。

    To solve the problems of difference geographic coordinates transformation , the paper adopts the methods of establishing general coordinate transformation class , and implements the coordinate transformation .

  24. 再由二值化后的大米区域与边缘曲线求出大米的平面投影面积、长短轴与周长。

    Then the binary plane projective area of the rice kernels , their long and short axes as well as circumference are obtained as per the rice zone and edge curves .

  25. 文章研究了不同视点下图象平面投影的坐标关系,给出了摄像机旋转和平移运动产生的序列图象间的匹配公式,提出了运动序列图象的整合方法。

    In this paper , the coordinate relation of the projective image plane in different location is discussed , the matched formula of moving images sequence , and the conformity of moving images sequence are presented .

  26. 方案一以仅选用视觉相机,观测目标航天器特征线在像平面投影的对偶矢量,作为选择其对偶部建立观测方程,设计了扩展卡尔曼滤波算法。

    In one of the schemes , the observation equation was built with the projection of target spacecraft feature line on pixel plane as the dual part using only vision camera . , based on which the EKF was designed .

  27. 本文按照基于一元流动理论设计离心泵叶片的传统方法,经过简单的数学处理,提出了离心泵轴面投影图、平面投影图的绘制方法及流道检查方法。

    Based on the traditional one-dimensional flow theory and through graphic and simple mathematical treatments , the way of drawing elevation view and the plane view is intro - duced , and the method of checking its channel is presented .

  28. 该方法突破了以往导弹(卫星)轨迹以地图平面投影形式进行二维显示的局限性,具有很强的直观性和交互性。

    With visual , real-time and interactive property as its main advantages , this method breaks the limitation of the traditional two-dimensional display method by which the trajectory of missile or satellite is displayed in the form of projection on map plane .

  29. 本文利用解球面三角形和视场平面投影相结合的方法,推导出了卯酉方向记录时刻中星径曲率改正的表达式。

    In this paper , the expression of the curvature correction of the recording times in the prime vertical direction is derived by means of the method of the solution for spherical triangle in combination with the plane projection of the field of view .

  30. 基于此种坐标系在椭球面上建立DEM不同于基于地图投影概念的DEM。由于并未经过从椭球面到平面的投影,从而避免了投影变形。

    The DEM in the new geodetic coordinate system on the ellipsoidal surface is different from the DEM in the projection plane .