
  • 网络Pingyi County
  1. 平邑县1999&2008年新生儿疾病筛查结果分析

    Analysis on Results of Neonatal Illness Screening In 1999-2008 Pingyi County

  2. 平邑县地下水开发利用研究

    The Research on Exploitation and Utilization of Ground Water of Pingyi County

  3. 这已经被用于在平邑县的蒋家庄养牛。

    This has been used to raise cattle in the village .

  4. 山东省平邑县新石器时代遗址调查

    Survey of the Neolithic Site in Pingyi County Shandong Province

  5. 平邑县山丘区果树微灌模式初探

    The Initial Investigation on fruit tree micro-irrigation of Hilly Regions in Pingyi County

  6. 长期从事农业劳动是平邑县百岁老人长寿的重要原因。

    Being long engaged in agricultural production activities is another important reason for their longevity .

  7. 最后,平邑县回族社区还是当前学术研究的一片处女地。

    At last , Hui community in Pingyi county is the virgin soil in current academic research .

  8. 其次,平邑县回族社区经历了东部其它回族社区相似的发展历程。

    Besides , Hui community in Pingyi county has also undergone similar developmental stages with other communities in the east .

  9. 平邑县老人的长寿与膳食结构中锰、硒等矿物质的摄入以及低盐分的摄入不无关系。

    The diet intake of manganese and selenium and the low-salt diet should be relevant with the longevity of centenarians in Pingyi .

  10. 进一步探讨平邑县百岁老人的膳食结构及其每日平均营养素摄入量水平对平邑县百岁老人健康长寿的影响。

    To further explore the impact of the dietary pattern and the average daily dietary nutrient intake level on the health and longevity of centenarians in Pingyi County . 3 .

  11. 在平邑县百岁老人集中分布的乡镇和村落采集生活饮用水水样,,并按国家生活饮用水标准对其饮用水水质、微量元素含量进行检测与分析。

    To collect drinking water samples in towns and villages of Pingyi County where centenarians distribute intensively , and to test and analyze the water quality and trace elements content according to the national drinking water standards . 4 .

  12. [方法]2004年,在临沂市分层整群抽取费县、蒙阴县、平邑县、沂水县、沂南县部分35岁以上人群进行调查。

    [ Methods ] With stratified cluster random sampling method , the residents over 35 in Feixian , Mengyin , Pingyi , Yishui and Yinan counties were investigated in 2004 . [ Results ] 8 086 people were investigated .

  13. 调查中发现,平邑县已经把老龄事业纳入当地经济社会发展规划,构建了县、乡、村三级老龄工作联动机制,形成了县、乡、村三级老龄工作目标管理网络。

    The survey shows that the Pingyi government has incorporated the issue of aging into the local economic and social development plan , built a three-level linkage system of old-age work including county , township and village , formed a three-level management network of old-age work .