
  • 网络Equilibrium humidity;Balance Humidity
  1. 对多孔材料的平衡湿度进行了研究,在GAUSS模型的基础上得到了多孔材料在整个湿平衡阶段的材料含湿量与空气相对湿度的关系,即平衡湿度曲线。

    The balanced moisture of porous material is researched . Based on the GAUSS model , the relationship between the material moisture content and air relative humidity , namely the moisture storage function , in the whole material moisture content is studied .

  2. 以新型保温砂浆为例对基本物性参数进行了测试研究,通过数值计算得到了材料的平衡湿度曲线、水蒸气扩散系数和液态水扩散系数,并将结果用Delphin软件进行了验证。

    The basic property parameters of new thermal insulation mortar were tested . The moisture storage function , water vapor diffusion coefficient and liquid water diffusion coefficient were obtained by numerical calculation .

  3. 由湿度随时间的微分规律拟合了吸附床的除湿传质系数与吸附剂表面平衡湿度。

    Mass transfer coefficients of dehumidification and equilibrium humidity on adsorbent surfaces are determined by fittings of humidity derivatives .

  4. 用平衡湿度法测定了头孢唑林钠的临界相对湿度,在20℃时约为67%。

    The authors determine the critical relative humidity of sodium cephazolin powder by equilibrium moisture method , the value is about 67 % at 20 ℃ .

  5. 有适度的或平衡的湿度特性。

    Having or characterized by moderate or a well-balanced supply of moisture .

  6. 试验结果表明,在包气带一定深度以下,孔隙相对封闭,孔隙内液态水与气态水处于动态平衡,相对湿度接近或达到饱和状态。

    The results indicated that under a certain depth in the unsaturated zone the pores were relatively closed , liquid water and gaseous water in the pores were in a dynamic equilibrium state , and the relative humidity approached or reached the saturated state .