
  • 网络EEOC;equal employment opportunity commission
  1. 平等就业机会委员会帮助就这一案件进行争讼。

    The EEOC helped litigate the case .

  2. 例如,据报道,平等就业机会委员会就利用不利宣传作为不充分就业歧视法定处罚的补充。

    The EEOC , for example , has reportedly used adverse publicity to supplement weak statutory penalties for employment discrimination .

  3. 平等就业机会委员会(EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)收到的歧视投诉越来越多,该机构最近举行了听证会,内容是关于对护理人员的歧视。

    Amid rising discrimination complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , the agency is holding a hearing Wednesday on bias against people with caregiving duties .

  4. 雇员同样可向平等就业机会委员会(缩写为EEOC)主张自己的权利。

    An employee can also file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , or EEOC .

  5. 纽约的赛佛拉化妆品商店的5个女雇员提出控诉;去年秋季,由平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)代表她们上诉。

    Five women who worked for the cosmetics store Sephora in New York filed complaints , and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( EEOC ) sued last fall on their behalf .

  6. 平等就业机会委员会调解歧视申诉;

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission mediates discrimination complaints ;

  7. 经过平等就业机会委员会的行政程序之后,被歧视人才可向联邦法院提起诉讼。

    Finalized the EEOC administrative procedures she / he can bring a lawsuit at the federal courts .

  8. 许多律师还建议企业要遵守平等就业机会委员会的指导方针,制定规章时要尽量严密、准确。

    Many lawyers still advise businesses to follow EEOC guidelines by keeping policies as narrow as possible .

  9. 性骚扰是美国平等就业机会委员会调查就业歧视的一个方面。

    Sexual harassment is one of the areas of job discrimination investigated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission .

  10. 平等就业机会委员会也可以自己的名义提起诉讼,为被歧视人寻求法律救济。

    To pursue remedies for the victims of employment discriminations , EEOC itself can file lawsuit at the federal district courts .

  11. 有的法院使用了类似于平等就业机会委员会的逻辑,而有的法院支持企业要求员工在工作时间讲英语的权利。

    Some courts have used logic similar to the EEOC 's , but others have upheld businesses'right to require English during work time .

  12. 绪论论述该课题的研究意义,确立了从历史学的角度研究平等就业机会委员会的学术意义与现实意义。

    The preface discusses the significance of the subject and establishes academic and practical significance of study on EEOC from the history perspective .

  13. 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的“支持英语”组织已筹款支持为基德曼一家的辩护。对于平等就业机会委员会声称该约定延伸到了业余时间,该组织也持异议。

    ProEnglish in Arlington , Va. , has raised money for the Kidmans'defense , and they dispute the EEOC 's claim that the policy applied to personal time .

  14. 在行政方面要加大劳动监察部门的执法力度,设立平等就业机会委员会,明晰行政权的角色定位。

    On the administration , it should Increase the enforcement law from labor censorial branch , establish equal employment opportunity commission , and clear the role of executive power .

  15. “这几位女士说,得知你不能讲自己的语言,感情太受伤害了。”平等就业机会委员会的律师雷切尔·亚当斯说。

    " All of the ( women say ) how hurtful it is to be told that you can 't speak your own language ," says EEOC attorney Raechel Adams .

  16. 与其他民事争议的解决大为迥异的是,寻求法律救济的被歧视人必须在规定的时效期间内,向平等就业机会委员会提出告诉。

    Different from other civil disputes , a discriminated individual pursuing for remedies must file a complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( EEOC ) within the period of prescription .

  17. 平等就业机会委员会的法律顾问佩奇•马斯楚安尼说,自2001年以来,委员会已经处理了5.2万起怀孕案件,涉及的伤害赔偿金达1.505亿美元。

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 's legal counsel , Peggy Mastroianni , said the agency had resolved 52000 pregnancy cases since 2001 , with $ 150.5 million paid out in damages .

  18. 平等就业机会委员会的法律顾问佩奇马斯楚安尼说,自2001年以来,委员会已经处理了5.2万起怀孕案件,涉及的伤害赔偿金达1.505亿美元。

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 's legal counsel , Peggy Mastroianni , said the agency had resolved 52,000 pregnancy cases since 2001 , with $ 150.5 million paid out in damages .

  19. 在听证会上,证人告诉平等就业机会委员会的五人评判小组说,对怀孕女性的歧视包括解雇、强迫停薪留职、拒绝提供哺乳场所和禁止从事部分工作。

    Discrimination against pregnant women includes firing , forced leave without pay , being denied a place to pump breast milk and being barred from some work , witnesses told the five-member EEOC panel at a hearing on the issue .