
  • 网络phablet;Galaxy Tab
  1. 由美国方言协会(AmericanDialectSociety)组织的文字爱好者本月早些时候将“平板手机”选为本年度“留存可能性最小”词语的并列冠军。

    Word lovers organized by the American Dialect Society earlier this month voted ' phablet ' into a virtual tie as the ' least likely to succeed ' word of the year .

  2. 如果你正在寻找一台万用机器,选择这样的平板手机也不错。

    If you 're looking for one machine for everything , a phablet like this isn 't a bad way to go .

  3. GalaxyNote4是三星大屏“平板手机”的升级版。

    The Galaxy Note 4 is an upgraded model of Samsung 's large-screen " phablet . "

  4. Note还催生了数十款跟风产品,形成了一个全新的产品种类:平板手机,即大得几乎足以被当做平板电脑的智能手机。

    The Note also spawned dozens of copycats , making for an entire new category : phablets , or smartphones almost big enough to be considered tablets .

  5. iPhone推出一款更大屏幕iPhone手机的迫切性部分来自于亚洲市场——三星平板手机声势浩大地占领了这个市场。

    The immediacy for a larger-screen iPhone comes partially from the Asian market where Samsung 's phablets have made significant inroads .

  6. iPhone6Plus是苹果首次推出的平板手机产品,而三星自2011年推出首部GalaxyNote以来,一直在这个领域占据主导地位。

    The latter is Apple 's first foray into the phablet segment , which Samsung has dominated since launching the first Galaxy Note in 2011 .

  7. 但是,根据FlurryAnalytics的数据,在韩国,41%的设备是平板手机。

    But in South Korea , 41 percent of such devices are phablets , according to Flurry Analytics .

  8. 有人也把Passport称作一款“平板手机”——尽管它的体型相比之下更像个“矮胖子”。

    The device has been called a " phablet , " the term for a tablet-like smartphone , though it is comparatively squat .

  9. Note4预计将在本月17日上架发售,它的销量将进一步预示着大屏手机——也就是所谓的“平板手机”将进一步蚕食平板电脑市场的销量。

    The Note 4 is expected to debut on October 17 , no doubt further support for a new trend in which large-screened phones - sorry , phablets - eat into tablet computer sales .

  10. 本周发售的GalaxyNote4,几乎比市面上其他所有平板手机都更胜一筹。

    The Galaxy Note 4 , which goes on sale this week , is superior to just about every other phablet on the market .

  11. Note4令人惊喜的是,三星在TouchWiz中加入了几个有用的功能,这些功能在一起,体现出它认识到了平板手机的一个真理:我们是在不同的模式下使用它们的。

    The surprise , then , is that for the Note 4 Samsung has built several useful features into TouchWiz that collectively recognize an important truth about phablets : We use them in different modes .

  12. 最新推出的大屏iPhone,把苹果带入了由三星开创的平板手机领域。三星本月发布了第4代GalaxyNote。

    The latest iterations of the iPhone have larger screens , taking Apple into the phablet territory pioneered by Samsung , which launched the fourth version of its Galaxy Note this month .

  13. 现在是时候坦然接受“平板手机”(phablet)这个词了。

    It 's time to make peace with the term phablet .

  14. 最新推出的大屏iPhone,把苹果带入了由三星开创的“平板手机”领域。三星本月发布了第4代GalaxyNote。

    The latest iterations of the iPhone have larger screens , taking Apple into the " phablet " territory pioneered by Samsung , which launched the fourth version of its Galaxy Note this month .

  15. 三星抢先在华推出Note4,可能会有助于减轻苹果对其平板手机市场份额的威胁。然而分析师表示,对三星来说,更严重的问题是成本较低的中国竞争对手所取得的成功。

    While Samsung 's early launch of the Note 4 in China could help mitigate the threat from Apple to its phablet market share , analysts say a more serious problem for Samsung is the success of lower cost Chinese competitors .

  16. ABI分析师弗勒德(JoshFlood)称,在见到越来越多的巨型手机上市后,他将平板手机定义的尺寸上限从5.5英寸上调至6.5英寸。

    Josh Flood , an ABI analyst , says after seeing more big phones hit the market , he amended the upper end of what qualifies as a phablet to 6.5 inches from 5.5 inches .

  17. 三星试图创建这一名为平板手机(phablet)的新产品类别。去年11月,就在三星和苹果的专利战在全球范围内不断升级之际,三星推出了第一代GalaxyNote。

    Samsung attempted to create this new product category called ' phablet ' when it launched the first Galaxy Note in November last year as its patent fight with Apple began escalating around the globe .

  18. 苹果没有使用平板手机这样的字眼,但周五上市发售的6Plus,比三星2011年推出的首款GalaxyNote更大,后者通常被视为全球第一款平板手机。

    Apple doesn 't use the P-word , but the 6 Plus , which goes on sale on Friday , is larger than the original Samsung Galaxy Note , the device that came out in 2011 and is generally credited as being the first phablet .

  19. 正如莫莉指出的,诚然,与苹果不一样的是,Android手机生产商已经推出了许多可以对平板手机的大屏幕加以利用的额外的软件功能,比如在一个屏幕上同时运行两个应用。

    It 's true , as Molly notes , that unlike Apple , Android phonemakers have added many extra software features to take advantage of phablets " larger displays , including the ability to run two apps on a screen at once .

  20. 6Plus相对其他平板手机的长处也很明显:它运行苹果的iOS。三星等竞争对手的手机中内置系统的界面,在直观性和用户友好度方面,仍难望iOS之项背。

    The 6 Plus 's advantage over other phablets is also pretty obvious : It runs Apple 's iOS , an operating system that is still far more intuitive and user-friendly than the interfaces that rivals like Samsung have built into their phones .

  21. 该机构还预测,生产商今年的平板手机(phablet)也就是屏幕在5.5寸以上的智能手机出货量将超过手提电脑。

    It also predicted that manufacturers this year would ship more phablets , or smartphones with screens measuring at least 5.5 diagonal inches , than laptops .

  22. Digitimes报道称,据“上游供应链的消息”,苹果公司正酝酿在明年5月发布一款5英寸屏幕的iPhone6“平板手机”,在明年10月发布一款大尺寸平板电脑。

    Digitimes reports that according to " sources from the upstream supply chain , " Apple is planning to release a 5-inch iPhone 6 " phablet " this coming May and a large tablet in October .

  23. 该机构还预测,生产商今年的“平板手机”(phablet)——也就是屏幕在5.5寸以上的智能手机——出货量将超过手提电脑。

    It also predicted that manufacturers this year would ship more " phablets , " or smartphones with screens measuring at least 5.5 diagonal inches , than laptops .

  24. 今年可选择的手机的品质要远胜以往。市场研究机构IDC表示,智能手机的出货量增长放缓,大号智能手机,即所谓的平板手机的销量在未来几年中有望实现两位数的增长。

    The choices are better than ever . As smartphone shipment growth ebbs , sales of large models - the so-called phablets - are expected to be brisk , seeing double-digit growth over the next several years , according to market researcher IDC .

  25. 在此背景下,平板手机荣登本榜榜首便不足为奇了。

    Not surprisingly , topping our list is a large smartphone .

  26. 另一方面,平板手机也意味着你要进行很多权衡取舍。

    On the other hand , a phablet presents many trade-offs .

  27. 但不同于笔记本电脑,平板手机马上就可以使用。

    And unlike a laptop , it 's instantly available .

  28. 这正是苹果的平板手机更易用的原因。

    That 's why Apple 's phablet is far easier to use .

  29. 但平板手机有资格拥有一个令人难忘的描述性名称。

    But phablets deserve their own unforgettably descriptive name .

  30. 答案是平板手机。

    The answer : a phablet .