
  1. 这座以提顿山脉最高峰——13775英尺高的大提顿——命名的公园,修建于1929年,面积为484平方千米,坐落在48公里长、群山环绕的迷人的杰克逊·荷尔山谷(JacksonHolevalley)。

    Established in 1929 , this 484-square-mile park - named after the 13775-foot Grand Teton , the tallest mountain in Teton Range - is located in the mesmerizing 48-mile-long , mountain-encompassed Jackson Hole valley .

  2. 平方千米阵项目(简称SKA)将建在西澳大利亚州。

    The Square Kilometre Array project will be built in the state of Western Australia .

  3. 政府在非洲联盟的维和任务AMISOM派遣的4000人军队协助下,控制了该城市几百平方千米的地区。

    The government controls a few square kilometers of the city , aided by a force of about 4000 troops from the AU peacekeeping mission AMISOM .

  4. 在SKA(平方千米阵列)的设计中,采用相控阵技术的一个原因是想利用其自适应零点形成技术来抵抗频率干扰。

    We adopt phased - array technology in the design of SKA ( Square Kilometer Array ) now . One reason for this is to make use of adaptive nulling techniques to combat frequency interference .

  5. 这座牧养麋鹿的天然公园有多少平方千米大?

    How many square kilometers does this nature park for milu deer cover ?

  6. 西湖面积5.6平方千米。

    The lake covers an area of5.6 square kilometers .

  7. 平方千米阵项目是16个国家的合作项目。

    The SKA is a collaboration between 16 countries .

  8. 世界上最大的岛屿&绿岛,覆盖面积为2000000多万平方千米。

    Greenland , the largest island in the world , covers over two million square kilometres .

  9. 大庆市共有14个自然保护区,总面积为2469.0249平方千米。

    There are fourteen nature reserves in Daqing with an total area of 2469 square kilometers .

  10. 这片自然保护区占地1600平方千米(618平方英里),崎岖不平的怪异地形就像被流星撞击所形成的月球表面。

    This 618-square-mile ( 1600-square-kilometer ) region bears an eerie resemblance to the meteor-battered lunar surface .

  11. 平均人口密度是29人/平方千米(69人/平方英里)。

    The average population density is 29 people per km2 ( 69 people per square mile ) .

  12. 该学去大概有700名学生,居住在大约900平方千米的范围内。

    The district has about seven hundred students living in an area of nine hundred square kilometers .

  13. 她们经过了一个小麦种植省,看到了数千平方千米的大农场。

    They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that were thousands of square kilometers in size .

  14. 然后是在玻利维亚的乌龙尼盐湖,其面积约为10500平方千米,是世界上最大的盐平原。

    Then there is the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia , at 10500sqkm , the world 's largest salt plain .

  15. 大约5000名红衫军抗议者占领了曼谷商业区3平方千米的范围。

    An estimated five thousand protesters known as Red Shirts occupied a three square kilometer area of Bangkok 's business district .

  16. 卡卡杜国家公园坐落于达尔文市东南方向171千米处,占地20000平方千米,拥有各种各样的热带生物,植物就有1700余种。

    Encompassing 20000 square kilometers of tropical biodiversity , including 1700 plant species , Kakadu lies 171 kilometers southeast of Darwin .

  17. 第一道安检处设在园区内,占地4.5平方千米,这里安检员会随机对一些游客进行检查。

    The first barriers , located around a4.5-square-kilometer area in the Expo zone , will subject random visitors to spot checks .

  18. 预计占地212000平方千米(82000平方英里),京津冀将和堪萨斯州一样大。

    At an estimated size of 212000 square kilometers ( 82000 mi2 ) , Jing-Jin-Ji will be about the size of Kansas .

  19. 在这片80平方千米广阔区域内,河流、沙漠、芦苇相互交织,形成了一个特殊的地理现象叫做“沙湖”。

    Desert , water and reed mashes blend in this 80-square-kilometer area , which forms a unique geographic phenomenon called sand lake .

  20. 壶关太行山大峡谷自然风景区位于山西省壶关县东南部,占地面积约93万平方千米。

    The Huguan Mt. Taihang Grand natural scenic spot is located southeast the Shanxi Huguan County and its area approximately 930,000 square kilometers .

  21. 参会各国的展区将在横跨浦江的5.28平方千米世博会场地上建造,充分体现出高科技与艺术的美妙结合。

    Many high-tech and artistically acclaimed pavilions representing each participating country are being constructed on the5.28 square kilometer expo site which straddles the famous Huangpu River .

  22. 东萨摩亚陆地面积197平方千米,产并出口椰干、香蕉、水果、鱼罐头,首府帕果帕果。

    Eastern Samoa land area of197 square km and copra production and exports , banana , fruits , canned fish , the capital of Pago Pago .

  23. 在加州的棕榈泉周边地区,有大约6000人接到疏散通知,发生在这里的大火已经蔓延至30平方千米。

    About 6000 people have been told to evacuate an area near Palm Springs , California , where a wildfire has burned about 30 square miles .

  24. 太湖位于江苏、浙江两省交界处,面积2425平方千米,是中国的第三大淡水湖。

    Taihu Lake , the third largest freshwater lake in China , has an area of2,425 km2 and lies at the juncture of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces .

  25. 马斯达的含义是“能源”,这项工程占地1500英亩(6平方千米),囊括了住宅区、商业区和生态友好的工厂区域,还有一所大学。

    Masdar , which means " the source ", is a1,500-acre ( six-square-km ) project including housing , commercial and manufacturing space for eco-friendly products and a university .

  26. 热水沉积形成了银铅锌等多金属矿床、铁锰矿床以及蓝田组底部数千平方千米含锰碳酸盐岩。

    The hydrothermal deposits result in Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic ores , Fe-Mn ores and Mn-bearing carbonate rocks of some thousand square kilometres on the bottom of the Lantian formation .

  27. 它最近制定了覆盖1279平方千米的大计划,预计集雨将满足该城市25%的水需求。

    It recently developed a master plan for1279 sq km of its land , predicting that rainwater harvesting could meet a quarter of the city 's water demand .

  28. 香港是全球第四大珠宝出口地,每平方千米土地拥有的珠宝店居世界之最。

    Hong Kong is the world 's fourth largest exporter of jewelry and it has more jewelry shops per square kilometer than any other city in the world !

  29. 从1206年到1227年去世,蒙古领袖成吉思汗征服了近三百万多平方千米的土地——比历史上任何一个人征服的都要多。

    Between 1206 and his death in 1227 , the Mongol leader Genghis Khan conquered nearly 12 million square miles of territory - more than any individual in history .

  30. 墨尔本是一座约有420万人口和占地面积达2000平方千米的大城市。

    Hi , Melbourne is a large city with a population of around 4.2 million people . Melbourne is also spread over an area of about 2000 square kilometres .