
  • 网络Average haul distance;average length of haul
  1. 另一方面,它导致了人员流动的减少,平均运距的缩短,零库存趋势,从而冲击了传统的物流业。

    On the other , information flow leads to the decrease in personnel flow , shortening of average transportation distance , tendency toward zero inventory and remodel of the traditional logistics .

  2. 优化装车组织,提高直通发送货物的平均运距是提高装车效益的关键,也是提高运输效益的重要途径。

    To improve loading benefits , it is pivotal to optimize the loading organization to increase the average transport distance of the dispatched through cargo . This is also an important way to improve the transport benefits .

  3. 本文提出了衡量综合运输体系的三个效率标准,即货运弹性与货运强度标准、经济里程与平均运距标准和优势资源利用率标准;

    This paper puts forward three efficiency standards of the coordinated transportation system , namely the standard of freight transport and intensity , the standard of economic mileage and average transport distance , and the standard of utilization rate of dominant resources .

  4. 用客流分配组合模型,对广州至珠海城际快速轨道交通进行了客流预测,获得了线路全日客运量、客运工作量、平均运距和高峰小时最大断面流量等客流预测指标。

    By applying the combined model for passenger flow assignment , the passenger volume of Guangzhou-Zhuhai rapid mass transit was forecasted , and its daily passenger volume , passenger turnover , average transport distance , and maximum transect volume during rush hours were gained .

  5. 近年来,中国交通基础设施和运输装备不断改善,为公路运输市场的快速发展创造了有利条件,也使公路客货运输的平均运距不断延长。

    Over the past few years , China 's transport infrastructure and equipment have been improved continuously , which has laid a solid foundation for the rapid development in the road transport market and increase the average road transport distance in both passenger and freight transport .