
  • 网络Platform Strategy
  1. “Geneva(日内瓦)”是微软基于请求访问(claims-basedaccess,CBA)平台战略的代码名。

    " Geneva " is the code-name for Microsofts ' claims-based access ( CBA ) platform strategy .

  2. 微软平台战略的高级主管SamRamji说

    Sam Ramji , senior director of platform strategy at Microsoft said

  3. 按照BurtonGroup应用平台战略和数据管理战略的副总裁ChrisHoward的说法

    According to Chris Howard , vice president of application platform strategies and data management strategies at Burton Group

  4. 设计企业应用软件平台战略选择探讨

    Discussion on selection of application software platform strategy in design enterprises

  5. 供应链管理中的信息平台战略研究

    A study on information platform strategy in supply chain management

  6. 本文首先讲述平台战略中的核心概念,即产品平台与产品族。

    This paper presents the concept of product platform and product family .

  7. 美国三大汽车公司的平台战略

    Company F Corporation The Platform Strategies Adopted by the American Big Three

  8. 汽车平台战略浅析

    Preliminary Analysis on The Auto Platform Strategy

  9. IT行业的产品平台战略

    The Product Platform For It Industry

  10. 最后提出了西部地区融资平台战略调整要遵循的四个转变的建议。

    Finally , Four changes were suggested that be the strategic readjustment of the western region .

  11. 文章介绍了汽车平台战略的概念,并举例分析说明。

    This paper introduces the concept of auto platform strategy and cites example for analytical explanation .

  12. 施密特说,在我看来只有这四家公司很好地利用了平台战略。

    It seems to me that there are four companies that are exploiting platform strategies really well .

  13. 详细介绍了平台战略的作用和其对于现代汽车制造的影响。

    It also gives out the role of platform strategy and its influence on modern automotive manufacture .

  14. 最后,本文以四川长虹为例说明动态平台战略的有效性。

    At last , the case of Sichuan Changhong is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of dynamic platform strategy .

  15. 然后阐释动态平台战略,即基于产品族、产品平台和企业能力的动态更迭。

    Then a dynamic platform strategy is discussed . There are renewals of product families , product platforms and competences in this strategy .

  16. 团队和产品所有者往往很注意保护他们的资产和产品,让转换到平台战略更加困难。

    Teams and product owners can be very protective of their assets and products making the transition to a platform strategy more difficult .

  17. 在本文中,我列举了五项首要挑战,敏捷组织在决心采取软件平台战略时应该准备面对它们。

    In this article , I list the top five challenges that an agile organization should expect to face when deciding to adopt a software platform strategy .

  18. 就如何结合企业自身特点,进行企业技术平台战略规划,建设和提升自身平台技术,表达了观点。

    It expresses the superficial point about how to combine enterprise oneself characteristics , proceed the enterprise technique platform strategically plan , build and improve the self-technique platform .

  19. 然后指出,在平台战略中,最重要的是使产品平台成为市场与企业能力的整合平台。

    And on the basis of the concept it points out that the key in platform strategy is to make product platform integrate market and a firm 's competencies .

  20. 这一爆料信息表明,苹果打算采取一种平台战略,通过从不同应用和监控设备收集数据来保证自己的核心地位。

    The broad nature of the information pointed to a platform approach that would see Apple acting as the central point in collected data from different apps and monitoring devices .

  21. 这就迫使腾讯采取一种开放平台战略腾讯已成立一个基金,用以培养外部应用开发者,并开始与他们分享收入。

    That has forced Tencent to adopt an open platform strategy it has set up a fund to help foster external app developers , and also started sharing revenues with them .

  22. 论文认为,企业的专利战略能给企业带来独特的竞争优势,并从专利法律战略、专利平台战略、专利标准战略和专利转化战略四个方面,分析专利战略的优势和应用方式。

    It advances that patent strategy brings special competitive advantages and analyses advantages and application through patent act strategy , patent flat strategy , patent standard strategy and patent transformation strategy .

  23. 与此同时,为使产品开发以尽可能少的技术多样性去实现尽可能多的功能多样性,各国学者提出了平台战略的思想。

    At the same time , many scholars put forward the concept of product platform strategy , in order to make product development with minimal diversity of technology to accomplish more function .

  24. 在新的市场环境中,企业可基于平台战略进行产品开发,在产品平台的基础上,开发出产品族,从而达到既降低成本又满足用户多样化需求的目的。

    In new market environment , companies need a new development strategy , based on which product development can develop product family to meet diversified needs of customers and at the same time reduces cost .

  25. 通过实施产品平台战略,品牌服装企业能快速形成满足衍生细分市场的产品族,实现产品丰富化、成本最优化与利润最大化。

    Branded apparel companies can rapidly form the product family for derivative segmented markets , to achieve rich variety of products , optimization of cost , and maximization of profit , by implementing product platform strategy . 4 .

  26. 企业如能结合二者的竞争优势形成专利平台战略,不仅能形成技术战略上的时间竞争优势,而且在企业的技术跨越方面,能形成技术创新和技术转移的空间优势。

    If they can be combined into patent platform , companies can not only gain competitive advantages of time on technological strategy , but also bring competitive advantages of technological innovation and transferring on space in technological leaping of companies .

  27. 这一切顾虑都会牵绊组织在其平台上战略投资,在JCP的过程中这一切都通过投票结果彰显出来了。

    Concerns like these might be prohibiting organizations from doing a strategic investment in the platform and as the voting log shows where raised during the JCP process .

  28. 跨平台的战略导弹辅助精度分析仿真系统

    The Platform-independent Simulation System for Assistant Precision Analysis of Strategy Missile

  29. 企业发展战略是基于企业发展的一定阶段,以及企业已具有的一定基础即平台进行战略创新的结果。

    The development strategy is built based on the strategy platform of enterprise .

  30. 论电子专用设备技术平台发展战略

    Technique Platform Development Strategy of Electronic Special Equipments