
  • 网络pingyuan province;Prairie Provinces;Plateau State
  1. 长江下游平原省东洋界区系特征最明显,东洋界鸟类占19.52%。

    Lower Yangtze River Plain Province has the obvious features of Oriental fauna with Oriental birds accounting for 19.52 % .

  2. 徐-盱丘陵岗地省和淮北平原省古北界区系特征最明显,古北界鸟类分别占68.31%、68.57%。

    Xuzhou-Xuyi Hilly Land Province and Huaibei Plain Province have obvious features of Palaearctic fauna and Palaearctic birds were accounting for 68.31 % , 68.57 % respectively .

  3. 淮南平原省和宁-宜丘陵山地省具有过渡性区系特征,前者偏重于古北界区系,后者偏重于东洋界区系。

    Huainan Plain Province and Nanjing-Yixing Mountains Province have features of Transitional flora . The former inclined to the Palaearctic fauna while the latter inclined to the Oriental fauna .

  4. 江苏两栖动物的地理区划可分为淮北平原省、淮南平原省、长江下游平原丘陵省和宜溧低山丘陵省等4个动物地理省。

    According to the division of Jiangsu amphibian we divided Jiangsu province into four zoogeographic areas ( Huaibei plain , Huainan plain , Lower reaches of Yangtze River plain and hilly . Yili hilly region ) .

  5. 东光县隶属河北省沧州市,位于华北平原河北省东南部黑龙港流域下游。

    Dongguang County , Cangzhou City , Hebei Province under , located in the North China Plain , Hebei Province , southeast of Heilonggang River downstream .

  6. 运用SWAP模型对太行山山前平原&河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

    The article is based on SWAP model and did numerical simulation for water movement in the soil of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains , Luancheng County in Hebei province .

  7. 根据中科院栾城农业生态系统综合试验站和栾城县气象站的常规观测资料,运用SWAP软件对太行山山前平原-河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

    Based on the data from Luancheng Agriculture Experimental Station of CAS and Luancheng Weather Station , numerical simulation of soil water movement of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains is conducted using SWAP model as an analysis tool .

  8. 保定平原是河北省主要的粮食主产区,农作物以冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花为主。

    Baoding plain is a primary bread basket in Hebei province , winter wheat , maize and cotton are the main crops .

  9. 这家餐馆的主人是个健壮的女人,名叫王慧君(音译),来自华北平原的河南省。

    The restaurant 's owner , a robust woman named Hui Jun Wang , is from Henan Province in the east , on the North China Plain .

  10. 松嫩平原在黑龙江省经济、农业和粮食生产中占有重要地位,但水资源短缺和连年发生的干旱对农业发展构成威胁。

    Songnen Plain occupies an important position in economy , agriculture and food production in Heilongjiang Province , but its water shortage and successive droughts pose a threat to its agro-development .

  11. 坐落在东北平原的吉林省四平市与经济发达地区相比更显落后,不利于发展现代化的大农业。

    While compared with the developed area in e-cononry , Siping City of Jilin Province , located in Northeast Plain , is backward relatively , which is not benefit for the modern agriculture .

  12. 豫北平原是河南省重要的能源、冶金和纺织等工业基地,也是粮棉油料作物的主要产区。

    The plain of North Henan , which is the main industrial base of energy , metallurgy , spinning and weaving , is an important production area of grain , cotton and oil-bearing corps , etc.

  13. 杭嘉湖平原作为浙江省重要的粮食生产基地,其土壤养分的状况不仅与该区农业非点源污染等环境问题有关,更与水稻产量与质量息息相关。

    With the rapid development of agriculture in Zhejiang province , the management of soil nutrients in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou ( HJH ) water-net plain is directly connected with the crop yield and agricultural non-point source pollution .

  14. 华西村位于中国苏南平原上的江苏省江阴市,交通便利,向西到省会南京,向东到上海,都有高速公路。

    Located in Jiangyin City , Jiangsu Province , Huaxicun enjoys convenience traffic which easily excess to Nanjing westward and Shanghai eastward by highway .

  15. 从中国的首都北京向西南180公里,有一个以盛产优质辣椒而闻名中外的平原县&河北省望都县。

    From the Chinese capital , Beijing , 180 km south-west , there is a high-quality rich and famous chili plain County-Wangdu County , Hebei Province .

  16. 地处华北灌溉平原区的河北省邢台市作为典型的旱灾区,旱情较严重,因此需要有效预防和减轻该地区的旱灾。

    The drought situation of Xingtai district which situate at North of China is serious , therefore , drought of this district needs to be prevented and relieved .

  17. 以长春、四平市为中心的吉林中部平原区是吉林省经济最发达的地区和全国商品粮基地。

    The plain in the central Jilin with Changchun and Siping as the center is not only a most developed area in the province , but also a base of producing commodity grain in China .