- steppe;dry steppe

A study on dynamic monitoring rangeland regradation and its distribution in the Xilin Gol Plateau 's dry steppe
The Study on Changing Patterns of Carbohydrate Reserves in Inner Mongolia Steppe Rangeland
An experiment on reforming dry grassland by selecting different variety of grass
Impact of traffic on physical properties of Arid Grassland Soils
Edge Effect of Wetland and Arid Grassland Community Ecotone in Semi-arid of China
Research on the spring FIRE-RISK FORECASTING model in dry grasslands in Inner Mongolia
Increased abundance of woody plants in grasslands and savannas
The Mongolian heartland consists of relatively flat steppes .
Research on the influence of different grazing system on vegetation characteristics in Ningxia typical grassland
Studies on Supporting Technology of the Vegetation Conservation in Steppe-Sheep Raising Method in Winter and Spring
Study on the Nitrogen Physiological Groups of Soil Microorganisms in the Low Mountain and Hill Steppes
Effects of Grazing Intensity on the Water Content of Grassland Soil , Grassland Productivity and Sheep Increasing Weight
Comparision of methods for improving arid prairie at loess hill country of semi-arid region in Eastern Gu Yuan
An Investigation of Key Irrigation Period and loss Function of Water Deficiency about a Grass Grazing in a Steppe
Spiny evergreen xerophytic shrub having showy rose-purple flowers and forming dense thickets ; of dry rocky mountain slopes of California .
The seasonal and annual dynamics of grassland primary productivity are summarized . The technical system fro rational utilization of grassland is suggested .
Another line is nearly in Great Wall zone , where the south is forest grass zone , the north is dry and desert prairie .
In this area , Chinese Ephedra are growing from northwest to southeast , and they are influenced by temperature , precipitation and other factors .
The area of dry grassland is largest and its area is about 5.1 % of the total area , but its yield is lower .
The results indicate that the climate in the Early Holocene was colder and drier , Middle Holocene was warmer and wet and Late Holocene was dry and cold .
The studied area is located at the southeastern edge of the steppe Uap-Ustic Isohtumisols , being a transitional zone between farming and animal husbandry , with seriously desertified lands .
Most Chinese Ephedra are growing in hilly sandy dry rangeland area in the southeast and a few growing in low hilly dry rangeland area in the middle of this area .
Another night during those first months , while Marquis camped on a vast , overgrazed steppe that she describes as looking like an ugly golf course , she heard horses galloping toward her .
The west of Hainan Island is the only sandy desertification district of the tropical dry grasslands with sparse trees in my country , and it is very typical of the sandy desertification types and course .
It is studied on the biological characters , life forms , types of root system , ecological distribution and leaf anatomical structures of seven grass species grown in the transition region from steppe to desert steppe .
From a view of disturbances in ecosystems , we discuss the complexity of mechanisms for the increased abundance of woody plant , and indicate the contributions of episodic and continuous recruitment and establishment of seedling to woody plant expansion in the vegetation .
Altay City is located in a long and narrow fault basin in the hill zone on southern piedmont of the Altay Mountains , it belongs to arid desert climate , and the zone is an arid steppe and is the most sensitive to the environment change and human activities .
Ciscaucasia : steppeland of southeast European U.S.S.R. in the Caucasus north of the main range of the Caucasus Mountains .
After 23 ka BP , the open steppe occupied the Jingning area , the climate was cold and dry , and the desert steppe expanded during the LGM .
From 2.555 to 2.300 Ma BP , the vegetation was arid grassland with sparse forest , and humidity began to decline ;