
  • 网络reed relay;dry reed relay
  1. 干簧继电器误动问题的试验与研究

    The test and research of maloperation of dry reed relay

  2. 介绍了应用可控硅技术对矿用ZC-21A型冲击继电器进行改进,实现了用无触点开关(可控硅)代替有触点开关(单触点干簧继电器)控制。

    In this paper , the ZC-21A impact relay was improved with the silicon controlled rectifier . The contact tip switch is replaced by the non-contact tip switch .

  3. 干簧继电器研究现状与进展

    Investigation Status and Future Development of Reed Switch

  4. 仪器具有8个通道,各通道采用干簧继电器有效的实现完全隔离。

    The instrument has eight channels , and every channel uses dry-reed relays to achieve isolated absolutely .

  5. 与干簧继电器相比,水银湿簧继电器具有更高的电流处理能力和更长的寿命。

    Mercury wetted relays have a higher current handling capability and longer lifetimes than dry reed relays .

  6. 水银湿簧开关与干簧继电器的构造方式相同,仅仅是在玻璃管内部增加了少量了的水银。

    Mercury wetted reed switches are constructed in the same way as dry reed switches with the addition of a small amount of mercury inside the glass tube .

  7. 由于这一效应的影响,干簧式继电器所能承载的信号频率通常被限制在10MHz或更低。

    Signal frequencies carried by reed relays are usually limited to10MHz or less due to this effect .

  8. 干簧式继电器的隔离触点和低工作电流使其成为了多种信号切换应用中的理想选择。

    Isolated contacts and low operating power make reed relays an ideal choice for many signal switching applications .

  9. 干簧式继电器中铁磁簧片的高磁导率会随信号频率的增加而产生很强的趋肤效应。

    The high permeability of the ferromagnetic reeds in a reed relay causes a pronounced skin effect with increasing signal frequency .

  10. 〕(继电器簧片的)绝缘块在常见的类型中,包括机电式、接触器式、干簧式、水银继电器和固态继电器。

    Among the more common types are electromechanical , contactor , dry reed , mercury wetted reed , and solid state .