
ɡān zào shōu suō
  • drying shrinkage
  1. UFA水泥基复合胶凝材料早期自收缩与干燥收缩的相互关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Early Autogenous Shrinkage and Drying Shrinkage of UFA Composite Cementitious Materials

  2. 提出了高C3S水泥系统的干燥收缩过程假设:3~14d,主要是相对蒸汽压较高且孔径较大的孔失水导致收缩;

    The drying shrinkage processes are as follows : at the age of 3 & 14 d , shrinkage mainly due to moisture loss from the bigger pores which have higher relative vapor pressure ;

  3. 水灰比、灰砂比和UEA对石屑砂浆干燥收缩性能的影响

    Effects of Water-Cement RatioC 、 ement-Aggregate Ratio and UEA on Drying Shrinkage of Stone Chips mortar

  4. 但传统的PVA-ECC材料的干燥收缩过大,严重影响了它在实际工程中的应用效果。

    But , however , the large dry shrinkage of the traditional PVA-ECC seriously confining the applications .

  5. 龄期60d后高强混凝土自收缩值在全收缩(即自收缩+干燥收缩)中的占有率收敛于约70%。

    After 60 days , autogenous shrinkage showed a tendency to converge and the contribution of autogenous shrinkage strain to total shrinkage is about 70 % .

  6. 复掺保坍剂的混凝土28d干燥收缩率与单掺萘系减水剂相比降低了10%左右,同时与基准混凝土相比也有所降低。

    And dry shrinkage of concrete compound mixed with slump retaining agent at 28 days decreases about 10 % compared with simply mixed FDN , and that also has somewhat decrease compared with reference concrete .

  7. 蒸压粉煤灰砖砌体自由干燥收缩性能研究

    Study on natural dry shrinkage of autoclaved fly ash brick masonry

  8. 混凝土干燥收缩预测及变形计算

    Prediction on Drying Shrinkage of Concrete and Calculation of Its Deformation

  9. 高性能混凝土的干燥收缩和自生收缩试验研究

    Drying Shrinkage and Autogenous Shrinkage Experimental Research of High Performance Concrete

  10. 新型块体墙材单体干燥收缩特征试验化学干燥剂化学干燥器

    Experimental Study on New Block Wall Material Monomer Drying Shrinkage Characteristics

  11. 陶瓷用粘土干燥收缩率和烧成收缩率测定方法

    Testing method for drying and firing shrinkages of ceramic whiteware clays

  12. 不同水泥掺量的无砂多孔混凝土干燥收缩试验研究

    The different cement content porous concrete drying shrinkage trial research

  13. 导致磁化水混凝土的干燥收缩有较大改善,90天相对收缩下降6%。

    It can make dry shrinkage of concrete decrease 6 % relatively .

  14. 混凝土干燥收缩主要是胶凝材料中含有多余水量蒸发的结果。

    Shrinkage of concrete mainly resulted from the evaporation of supernumerary water .

  15. 采用内约束法评价轻集料混凝土的干燥收缩开裂

    Measurement Method for Shrinkage and Crack of Light Aggregate Concrete

  16. 混凝土多孔砖砌体干燥收缩性能研究

    Study on dry shrinkage deformation of concrete perforated brick masonry

  17. 高效减水剂对砂浆干燥收缩性能的影响

    Influence of Different Superplasticizers on Drying Shrinkage of Mortar

  18. 在使用阶段,干燥收缩、温差应力也使混凝土结构出现裂缝。

    And in using stage dry shrinkage and thermal stress can bring cracks .

  19. 贫混凝土基层材料干燥收缩特性

    Property of dry contraction of lean concrete for roadbase

  20. 高性能混凝土干燥收缩与相对湿度间关系研究

    Relationship between drying shrinkage and relative humidity of concrete

  21. 轻集料混凝土干燥收缩影响因素及开裂评价方法

    Influencing Factors and Evaluation Methods for Shrinkage and Cracking of Light Weight Aggregate Concrete

  22. 湿坯含水率与干燥收缩率的关系研究

    Study on Correlation of Water Content of Green Insulator Body with Its Shrinkage Rate

  23. 加入上述不同的纤维后,形成的干燥收缩裂缝形态也不同。

    After adding these different fibers , drying shrinkage cracks formed in different forms .

  24. 从而测评纤维对土样干燥收缩裂缝改善的影响。

    Evaluation of the impact of fiber thus improving the soil drying shrinkage cracks .

  25. GB/T11972-1997加气混凝土干燥收缩试验方法

    Test methods for dry shrinkage of aerated concrete

  26. 矿粉混凝土干燥收缩性能

    Drying shrinkage of concrete with ground slag

  27. 粉煤灰加气混凝土干燥收缩特性的研究

    Investigation on the Behavior of the Drying Shrinkage of the Ae rate d Flyash Concrete

  28. 粉煤灰砂浆自生收缩和干燥收缩关系的研究

    Shrink packaging study on the relationship between autogenous shrinkage and drying shrinkage of fly ash mortar

  29. 合理的养护措施通过推迟混凝土的干燥收缩而抑制混凝土的早期收缩。

    Reasonable conservation measures can inhibit early shrinkage of concrete by delaying the drying shrinkage of concrete .

  30. 混凝土自干燥收缩与其内部相对湿度的下降密切相关。

    The self-desiccation shrinkage of concrete is closely related to the drop of its internal relative humidity .