
ɡān zhà
  • dry-fry
  1. 这干炸一枝春味道棒极了。

    The fried spring is just wonderful .

  2. 报道说,近几天卡塔尔海关已经查封了价值约1000美元的干炸牛肉、大米、红辣椒、鱼露以及辣椒酱等食品。

    Qatari customs officials seized almost $ 1,000 ( 516 pounds ) of dried fried beef , rice , chillies , fish sauce and chilli paste .

  3. 没人能够长期离得开干炸黄豆或一碗热滋滋的辣椒油中的海鲈鱼片。

    No one , it seems , need go for long without dry-fried beans or a bowlful of sliced sea bass in a sea of sizzling chilli oil .

  4. 茄子洗净切条后,拌少许干淀粉,入锅炸至茄条软糯捞出沥油。

    Wash eggplant and cut it , mixed with a little dry starch , fried eggplant soft waxy to remove the oil Lek .