
  1. 健康卫浴应该具有的设计要素中,空间要素应满足干湿分离、层次分明、空间宽绰以及光源充分的特点。

    A healthy space of bathroom should have four main design factors : dry wet separation , layer clear , the space is well to do and life source full .

  2. 卧室被设计成为独立的阁楼形式,前沿的设计理念为了居住的干湿分离与动静分区更为科学与合理。

    Bedroom is designed into independent loft form , frontier design conception is for the purpose of more scientific and reasonable parting of moisture in living space and activity zoning .

  3. 通过小角X射线散射SAXS技术确认干湿刷相分离状态。

    Using the small Angle X-ray scattering ( SAXS ) technology confirm the wet and dry brush phase separation condition .