
gān shī
  • mummy;mummification
干尸 [gān shī]
  • [mummy] 长期保存下来、外形完整没有腐烂的干瘪尸体

干尸[gān shī]
  1. 科学家们已经采取了新技术给245岁高龄的干尸做了CT检查。

    But scientists have taken the novel step of giving a245-year-old mummified male a non-invasive computerised tomography ( CT ) scan .

  2. 他们已经饿成干尸了

    They 've been starved to the point of dessication .

  3. 上海地区干尸形成的条件及机理

    Condition and Mechanism of Formation of Mummy in Shanghai Region

  4. 她双颊凹陷,几乎像一具干尸。

    Cheeks sallow and sunken , almost like a carcass .

  5. 在加拿大发现其带有皮肤的干尸化石的鸭嘴龙。

    Duck-billed dinosaur from Canada found as a fossilized mummy with skin .

  6. 如同干尸死肉无法再伤害别人再也不能

    A living corpse.Unable to hurt anyone , ever .

  7. 我们路过一具悬在绞刑架上的土匪干尸。

    We passed the desiccated corpse of a brigand hanging on a gibbet .

  8. 去年夏天,住在东京最高龄的一位老者在死后被发现时已成为了一具干尸。

    Last summer , Tokyo 's oldest man turned out to be mummified remains .

  9. 检查干尸上的操纵线吗?

    Checking the wiring on the animatronic mummies ?

  10. 我是说,他在棺材里只是具老旧干尸。

    I mean , when he 's in the coffin , he 's just a dried-up old corpse .

  11. 这肯定确有其物,尽管干尸更可能是残疾儿童的尸体。

    There is certainly something there , though it is more likely the corpse of a deformed child .

  12. 莫瑞女士在巴勒摩的嘉布遣会地下墓穴中参观了一些特别令人毛骨悚然的华丽而干枯的干尸。

    Ms Murray visits some particularly ghoulish mummies , dressed but withered , in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo .

  13. 她爱的究竟是这个化成干尸的男人?还是他社保账户里的钱?

    Did this woman really love her mummy or was she just interested in cashing his Social Security checks ?

  14. 他们的目标是决定保存干尸的办法和干尸生前时候有任何疾病或者受过任何伤害。

    Their goal is to determine his state of preservation and any disease or injury he may have suffered while alive .

  15. 还有一处禁止我们进入:寺庙内藏有一具“雪人”干尸的密室。

    There was one other place we could not enter : a chamber deep within the monastery containing a mummified " yeti . "

  16. 就是那个被发现纹身的冰人干尸身上,也打了耳洞,展开来约有七到十七毫米左右宽呢。

    It was found on the Iceman that had the tattoos ! He had pierced ears that had been stretched seven to eleven millimeters wide .

  17. 汇集了来自南美,欧洲,亚洲,大洋洲和埃及的一系列干尸和艺术品将举办全球巡回展览。

    The Mummies Of The World exhibition brings together a collection of mummies and related artefacts from South America , Europe , Asia , Oceania and Egypt .

  18. 与曹夫人埋在一起的还有其他三具干尸。躺她身边的是一个年仅十几岁的女孩,很可能是被掐死为莫切领导者陪葬的。

    The woman was also buried with three other mummies , including a teenage girl found alongside her who was probably strangled ( 17 ) as a sacrifice to the Moche leader .

  19. 蔡斯坚持对《密歇根时报》表示,尽管她在男友齐格勒死后仍从他的社保账户中支取现金,但是她保存干尸的原因并不是为了那些钱,而是为了继续拥有男友的陪伴。

    Chase insisted to Michigan Live that , while she did cash Zigler 's Social Security checks after he died , she kept him around , not for his money , but for the pleasure of his company .

  20. 发现在上海温暖潮湿南方地区,干尸形成多见于气温较低、环境干燥季节,死亡前多有脱水和绝食经历,且伴有翻动尸体及通风等人为干预因素。

    In warm and damp southern region in Shanghai , the mummy formation depended on lower temperature , dry environment season , dehydrated and hunger before death , and interfered factors like ventilating and turning over corpse frequently .

  21. 72岁的琳达-蔡斯将其男友查尔斯-威廉姆斯-齐格勒的干尸放在家中,直至7月6日才由密歇根的杰克逊警方调查发现,而后这个“爱钱还是人”的问题就引发多方关注。

    That question is one of many surrounding an investigation launched by Jackson , Mich. police after they discovered Charles Williams Zigler 's mummified remains inside the house of his alleged girlfriend , Linda Chase , 72 , on July 6 .

  22. 京晶:第一个在肉体上纹身的人是1991年发现的一具冰人干尸,其身份大概可以追溯到公元前4000年,他的身体有超过58处纹身,大多数是圆点及线条图案。

    Yeah ! The first tattoo known to man was found on the body of an Iceman in 1991 . He dates back to over 4000B . C. His body had over 58 total tattoos , mostly of dots and lines .