
  1. 其宗教观之形成与孙吴文化密切相关。佛教对于干宝的影响甚微。

    Its formation was closely influenced by the culture of Sun-Wu District .

  2. 若干宝(玉)石矿床形成机制述评

    A Review of the Formation Mechanism of Some Gem ( Jade ) Deposits

  3. 干宝用其特殊的笔触,为我们勾勒出了一个光怪陆离,真真假假的世界。

    Gan Bao has created a fanciful , real and imaginary world with his special brushwork .

  4. 在《搜神记》中干宝不但用生动形象的鬼神故事表现当时的文化,并且也体现了其独特的宗教思想。

    In the book , Gan Bao not only reflected the culture but also reflected the particular religious thought .

  5. 而面对所遭遇到的时代性问题,干宝尽力给出了一位真正儒者的解答。

    In the face of the encounter to the problem , Gan Bao tried to do as real Confucian .

  6. 本部分从干宝易学的特色、影响、地位和评价多个方面对干宝易学做了评述总结。

    This section has done a review and a summary of characteristics , effects , academic position on the thought .

  7. 本文探讨了东晋(280&350年)干宝所撰的《搜神记》的介词系统。

    This text inquiries into the preposition system in Sou Shen Ji by Gan Bao in the east Jin ( 280 AD & 350 AD ) .

  8. 在对于现实问题的解读以及解决的内容和方式中,干宝既有对于传统的继承,又有其无可替代的个人观解。

    In the interpretation of reality problems and the way of woke out , Gan Bao both for traditional inheritance , and gave his irreplaceable personal outlook solutions .

  9. 分析干宝的思想,以及他所处的时代的政治和宗教等因素,对干宝创作《搜神记》的直接影响和间接因素。

    The thought of Gan Bao and the direct and indirect influences of political and religion of his period towards the creation of Sou Shen Ji has been analyzed .

  10. 干宝在创作《搜神记》时,在创作动机、选取题材和对作品的定位上,都有明显的世情化倾向。

    When creating Sou Shen Ji , the motive of novel creation , selection of the subject matter and positioning of the work has apparent trend of concerning worldly affairs .

  11. 第五章,从思想倾向、选材、结构框架等方面简析干宝神道思想对《搜神记》文学构思的影响。

    The fifth chapter investigated the effect of Shinto concept of Kan Pao on the literary conception of 《 stories of immortals 》 from the aspect of ideological tendency , selection and framework .

  12. 第四章,从政治、文化、社会背景以及干宝的个性特征等方面阐述干宝神道思想产生的原因。

    In chapter 4 , the reasons of the Shinto concept of Kan Pao were elaborated in terms of politics , culture , social context as well as the characteristic of Kan Pao , respectively .

  13. 第二章,原始宗教意识对干宝神道思想的影响,分别细化为自然崇拜、鬼魂崇拜、祖先崇拜和生殖崇拜等原始宗教形式与万物有灵的信仰意识。

    For chapter 2 , the effect of primitive religious consciousness on the Shinto concept of Kan Pao presented the faith awareness of animism and the primitive religion in the form of naturism , ghost worship and manism as well as phallicism , respectively .