
fú dù
  • amplitude;range;extent;spectrum;scope;latitude
幅度 [fú dù]
  • (1) [amplitude]∶振动过程中振动的物理量偏离平衡位置的最大值

  • (2) [range;scope]∶两个可能极限之间的距离或长度

幅度[fú dù]
  1. 将会有0到3个百分点的增长幅度。

    There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent .

  2. 病人血压变化的幅度不大。

    The patient 's blood pressure fluctuates within a narrow range .

  3. 测量的误差幅度为2.5%。

    The survey has a margin of error of 2.5 % .

  4. 董事们刚刚投票同意给他们自己大幅度提高工资。

    The directors have just voted themselves a huge pay increase .

  5. 对于给企业老板大幅度加薪,他提出了批评。

    He criticized the huge pay rises awarded to industry bosses .

  6. 政府提供的科研资金已大幅度削减。

    There have been large cuts in government funding for scientific research .

  7. 增加幅度不会超过百分之二。

    The increase will not be in excess of two per cent .

  8. 每年加薪幅度将与通货膨胀挂钩。

    Annual pay increases will be in line with inflation .

  9. 误差幅度在三个百分点左右。

    The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points .

  10. 他们坚持要求更大幅度地提高工资。

    They are sticking out for a higher pay rise .

  11. 他们大幅度降价,试图销出存货。

    They cut prices drastically to try and shift stock .

  12. 总统承诺大幅度减税。

    The President has promised to cut taxes significantly .

  13. 训练的质量已经大幅度提高。

    The quality of the training has vastly improved .

  14. 六月份经济增长大幅度减缓。

    Economic growth decelerated sharply in June .

  15. 接管后,利润突然大幅度降低。

    Profits fell sharply following the takeover .

  16. 他们呼吁大幅度削减开支并提高税收。

    They are calling for large spending cuts and tax increases .

  17. 警方现在意识到需要进行大幅度的机构调整。

    The police now recognise that big organisational changes are needed .

  18. 注册人数终究还是没有出现如此大幅度的下降。

    There wasn 't such a big decline in enrollments after all

  19. 河流转向东流时河道大幅度变宽。

    The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east .

  20. 法国和英国之间友好协议的范围已经大幅度拓宽。

    The French entente with Great Britain had already been significantly extended

  21. 它的振动幅度取决于引力场的强度。

    Its oscillation depends on the strength of the gravitational field

  22. 政府统计数据显示这是10年来工业产量最大幅度的滑坡。

    Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial output for ten years .

  23. 所有人都同意必须大幅度削减补贴。

    Everyone agrees that subsidies have to be slashed .

  24. 昨天被指控要价太高之后,汽车生产商可能会被迫大幅度降价。

    Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday

  25. 据称年销售额下滑幅度最大的零售商中包括家具和地毯零售商。

    Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales .

  26. 增长幅度降到了0.4%,可能意味着下降的开始。

    The increase slowed to 0.4 percent , possibly indicating the start of a downtrend .

  27. 这些设备经过大幅度的改良,都让人认不出来了。

    The facilities have improved beyond all recognition

  28. 政府已经大幅度削减了其在住房、食品和燃料方面的补贴。

    There have been swingeing cuts on government subsidies , on housing , food and fuel .

  29. 所有这些都必须在未大幅度提高税收起征点的前提下完成。

    All this is to be done without big rises in the basic level of taxation .

  30. 这一计划耗资巨大,公司将不得不大幅度提高价格。

    The plan would cost so much that the company would have to jack up its prices