
mì jí
  • power set
幂集[mì jí]
  1. 然后,逐步将半环及其相关的性质扩展到矩阵半环上,得到幂集矩阵半环。

    Secondly , semirings and closely related properties will be gradually extended to matrix semirings and the power set matrix semirings will be obtained .

  2. 基于新截集的广义扩展原则和F幂集自同态

    Based on Generalized Augmented Principle of New Cut Set and Endomorphism of F Power Set

  3. F幂集的一类自同态的分解定理

    Decomposition and Representation for a kind of Homomorphism Change on the fuzzy set

  4. 证明了一般集论和Fuzzy集论中子幂集格正是子分子格的特例。

    It is proved that the sub-moleculas lattices is an extension for subset of general set theory and fuzzy set theory in completely distributive lattices .

  5. Fuzzy幂集格(非汉字符号)(X)中的Brouwer伪补

    Brouwer Pseudo-complement in Fuzzy Power Set Lattices

  6. 设T为集合,P(T)为T的幂集,则P(F)的子集F称为T的一个性质。

    Let T be a set , P ( T ) the power set of T. Then any subset Fof P ( T ) is called a property of T.

  7. 讨论Fuzzy幂集格■(X)中的Brouwer伪补的21种型式,并建立了这种伪补的若干性质。

    In this paper , Brouwer pseudo-complement in Fuzzy power set lattices is discussed , some properties of the pseudo-complement are established .

  8. 幂集(PX)的正则且原子的子ωμ~-域的所有同构类数目

    The Number of All Isomorphic Classes of Regular and Atomic ω _ μ ~ - Subfields in the Power Set of an Infinite Set

  9. 通过引入新的集对F格与伪幂集格,获得了两个自然的软代数表示定理,并证明了它们在某种意义上不可能再改进。

    By introducing the concepts of new dual-set Fuzzy lattice and pseudo-power set lattice , we obtain two results that are natural representations of soft algebra and prove that they can ′ t be improved in a sense .

  10. HX群是一个群的幂集上的群结构.本文将HX群推广到一类特殊的格&原子格上,称之为AHX群。

    HX group is the group structure which goes over its power set from a group .

  11. 通过对幂集类型以及结构的深入分析,找到与之相似的STL容器的存储结构与数据结构,讨论了幂集类型在自动求精过程中的实现方式,并给出在求精过程中的算法以及规则。

    By analysing type and structure of power set , it is discovered that the STL container and data structure are similar , and discussing the mode during automatic refinement , and showing the algorithm and rule .

  12. CRMS被定义为群组成员集合幂集的子集,其以一种层次化的矩阵方式组织成员所掌握的管理密钥。

    CRMS is defined as the collection of subsets of group members , and the keys held by users in CRMS are organized in a hierarchical-matrix manner .

  13. 基于格蕴涵代数的模糊幂集

    Fuzzy Power Sets Based on Lattice Implication Algebras

  14. 基于幂集的查询模型及其查询能力

    Powerset based Query Model and Its Query Capacity

  15. 群幂集半群的基本性质

    Some properties of power semigroup of group

  16. 最后,建立起幂集矩阵半环中的矩阵与有限自动机的联系。

    Finally , the link will be established between the power set matrix semirings and finite automata . 2 .

  17. 优势关系生成对象集上的覆盖;保序关系生成对象集幂集上的划分。

    Dominance relation induces a cover of U , while keeping-order relation induces a partition of U ′ s power set .

  18. 本文利用集合套理论,将这四种映射扩展到模糊幂集之间的映射。

    Making use of theories of nested sets , we extend these mappings on fuzzy power sets and obtain maximal and minimal extension principles .

  19. 首先,从半环的概念特别是偏序半环引入了本文所讨论的幂集半环,它是所有语言的集合。

    Firstly , the power set semiring will be introduced from the concept of semirings in particular partial semirings , which is also the collection of language .

  20. 模糊数学的发展要求各种数学结构不但要由论域向其幂集上提升,而且还要求向模糊幂集上提升。

    With the development of fuzzy set theory , all kinds of the structure are upgraded not only from their universes to their power sets but also from their universes to their fuzzy power sets .

  21. 模糊数学理论的发展突出了集值映射的重要性,各种数学结构需要由论域向其幂集上提升,如序结构的提升,拓扑结构的提升,可测结构的提升等等。

    With developing fuzzy mathematics , the importance of set value mapping has been highlighted , so that the upgrade of all kinds of the structures , such as ordered , topological measurable structure , etc , have been considered .

  22. 高次幂Mandelbrot集艺术图形在纺织设计中的应用

    Application of Higher Degree Power Mandelbrot Set Patterns to Fabric Pattern Design

  23. 半群中幂等子集的格结构

    The lattice structure of idempotent subsets of a semigroup

  24. 并将幂函数模糊集应用到T-S模糊模型的辨识中。

    It is also applied in the identification of T-S fuzzy model that uses power function fuzzy set .

  25. 可约临界布尔矩阵的幂敛指数集

    On the Set of Indices of Convergence for Reducible Critical Boolean Matrices

  26. 二元关系的幂敛指数集

    On the Set of Indices of Convergence for Binary Relations

  27. 具有i个强分支的有向图的幂敛指数集

    On the set of indices of convergence for Digraphs with I strong components

  28. 布尔矩阵的幂敛指数集

    On the Convergent Index Set for Boolean Matrices

  29. 含s-圈布尔矩阵类的幂敛指数集

    On the Set of Indices of Convergence for the Class of s - Cycle Boolean Matrices

  30. 幂格与幂集格的关系

    Relation Between Power Lattice and Power Set Lattice