
  • 网络Conventional design;routine design;Design by rule
  1. 在分析了SCSI应用系统结构和常规设计方法的基础上,提出了一种基于可编程片上系统和处理器软核技术的SCSI应用系统的设计方案。

    After analyzing the system architecture and the routine design method of a SCSI controller , one novel design project for the SCSI controller is put forward on the basis of SOPC and soft processor IP core technology .

  2. 简要阐述了3000t海上运架梁专用起重船的结构设计难点以及通过以有限元计算解决常规设计所不能解决的难点。

    The paper introduces the difficulties in structure design of 3 000 t special floating crane and aims to overcome the difficulties by the finite element calculation that are hard to realize in the routine design .

  3. 基于VISUALBASIC的V型带传动的常规设计与优化设计的比较研究

    Study of Comparison between Normal and Optimization Design of V-Belt Based on Visual Basic

  4. V带传动常规设计的Matlab可视化编程实现

    General Design of V Cincture Transmission Based on Matlab

  5. 与四人组撰写的DesignPatterns(见参考资料)一书普及的常规设计模式(DesignPatterns)相比,惯用模式并不适用于所有项目。

    In contrast to the formal Design Patterns popularized by the Gang of Four 's Design Patterns book ( see Resources ), idiomatic patterns don 't apply across all projects .

  6. 在分析NGW型二级行星轮减速器常规设计过程的基础上,在Visualc++环境下开发了一个行星轮减速器设计的可视CAD系统。

    A Visualized CAD design system of planetary gear reducer was developed in the Microsoft Visual C + + environment .

  7. 给出了RS编码中核心器件伽罗华域乘法器的常规设计方式。

    A conventional design method for the core components ~ Galois Field Multiplier , was given in the paper . 3 .

  8. 正是基于此,本论文进行了二级圆柱齿轮减速器参数化CAD系统的研究与开发,主要工作如下:⑴开发减速器零部件的常规设计和可靠性设计应用软件。

    Main tasks are as follows : ⑴ Developing the application software of the conventional design and reliability design of the parts and components of the gear reducer .

  9. 因此,应把温度参数与反应动力学联系起来,通过试验和工程实例对SBR的常规设计参数进行低温下的修正,以适应北方寒冷地区的城市污水处理厂的设计要求。

    Hence temperature parameter should be combined with reaction dynamics , and SBR normal design parameters should be corrected for low temperatures through tests and project examples .

  10. 虽然现今很多企业采用CAD软件来缩短产品开发周期,提高设计质量,但这些软件一般都是采用常规设计方法进行开发,缺乏可靠性设计的功能。

    Although a lot of companies nowadays use CAD softwares to shorten the production cycle and improve the design quality , but these softwares are generally developed with conventional design methods , lacking the capability of reliability design .

  11. 本文以作者在圆柱螺旋弹簧计算机辅助设计的课题实践为基础,介绍了应用圆柱螺旋弹簧的常规设计和强化设计理论实现弹簧CAD的编程技术。

    This article introduces the application of the normal and strengthening design theory of cylinder screw spring and the realization of the programming technology , based on the scientific item practice of computer aided design of cylinder screw spring .

  12. 在FPSO船体主尺度设计中,采用浅水效应设计方法可以将FPSO吃水设计得比常规设计值大,从而使船体主尺度得到进一步的优化;

    We can attain more draft of FPSO than the conventional method , and optimize the FPSO hull size using method of shallow water effect .

  13. 文章描述了空气溢流系统的基本概念和其常规设计,并对GL所提出的闭式燃油溢流系统及其相关的阻力计算进行了分析。

    The paper describes the concept of air system , overflow system , and its standard design . It also analyzes the closed fuel overflow system proposed by GL as well as relevant resistance calculation .

  14. 比如破碎性地层,井下掉块常常导致常规设计的PDC钻头出现卡钻现象,严重的甚至会造成钻头掉齿、断刀翼等井下事故。

    Take the broken formations as an example , the block in the well often leads to conventional PDC bits to be stuck . More seriously , the tooth or the blade may drop during the drilling operation .

  15. 歼20原型机的设计显示了一些VLO的设计特点,在常规设计规则的基础上进行开发,同时借鉴了美国VLO战斗机的制造工艺。

    The J-20 prototype designs displays a number of VLO design features , generally based on design rules developed for and employed in the construction of United States VLO combat aircraft .

  16. 以符合常规设计过程思维的CBR推理系统为核心,研究建立了生产矿井采区设计的设计支持系统MDDSS,阐述了其基本结构和各部分的功能。

    A support system for mining district design of operating mine 《 MDDSS 》 was established with the CBR inference system as the core . The basic structure of the system and the functions of its components were described in this paper .

  17. 由于水轮机特性的强非线性、工况的时变性以及引水系统的水击效应所导致的水电系统数学模型的不确定性,采用智能控制理论设计水电机组GPSS较常规设计方法更为合理。

    The intelligence control theory is more reasonable than conventional methods to design the hydro-generator unit GPSS because of the uncertainty of mathematical model of hydro-electricity system caused by intense nonlinear character and time-variant operating mode of hydro-turbine and water-hammer effect of hydraulic system .

  18. 常规设计与分析设计的差异研究

    Study on Differences between Design by Rule and Design by Analysis

  19. 第一部分系统阐述了幕墙玻璃的常规设计方法。

    The normal method of curtain-wall glass design is systematically elaborated .

  20. 常规设计方法只考虑了其中一个或几个因素的影响。

    The conventional design method only considers one or several factors .

  21. 常规设计与分析设计在选材上的探讨

    Discussion about Conventional Design and Analysis Design on Selecting Material

  22. 片面追求所谓新技术,忽视常规设计和不显眼技术等等,有些较严重的还造成了经济上的巨大损失。

    Some even became so serious as to cause great economic loss .

  23. 对算例进行了计算和验证,并对优化结果与常规设计方法的计算结果进行了对比分析。

    And the optimum result compares with routine design result .

  24. 间歇精馏常规设计和优化设计的模型及算法

    Model and algorithm of conventional design and optimum design of batch distillation

  25. 浅析压力容器常规设计规范中的开孔补强设计

    Opening Reinforcement Design of Pressure Vessels in Normal Design Codes

  26. 带传动反常规设计与反常规应用剖析

    Analysis of Irregular Design and Application of Belt Drives

  27. 2针对现有常规设计、常规材料及构造在能耗上的薄弱环节,进行改进,使建筑在经济条件许可的条件下适度超前。

    Improving the weakness in emerging-consumption of traditional design conventional material and structure .

  28. 为双圆弧齿轮常规设计提供了一个较为合理的设计软件。

    It offers a reasonable design program for routine design of double circular-arc gears .

  29. 槽轮机构的一种非常规设计方法

    A Unconventional Design Procedure of Grooved Pully Machanism

  30. 作者从常规设计的角度探讨了压力容器的失效概率问题。

    The failure probability is calculated on the basis of the regular design procedure .