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  • evergreen plant
  1. 欧洲的一种常绿植物,具有白色或微紫色花朵,冬天开花。

    European evergreen plant with white or purplish roselike winter-blooming flowers .

  2. 岩梅属的任何一种植物,产北方,矮常绿植物。

    Any boreal low-growing evergreen plant of the genus diapensia .

  3. 冬青和常春藤、槲寄生一样,都是常绿植物。

    Holly , like ivy and mistletoe , is an evergreen .

  4. 常绿植物的叶常是针形的

    The leaves of evergreens are often shaped like needles .

  5. 常绿植物SOD活性与植物耐寒力相关性的研究

    Relationship between the Role of Super-Oxide ( SOD ) and Cold Tolerance in Evergreen Plants

  6. 但三种常绿植物叶片MDA含量的季节变化基本相同。

    Seasonal changes of MDA content in three types of evergreen broad-leaved species are almost the same .

  7. 结果表明:六种常绿植物越冬期间SOD活性变化曲线均呈M状,并不随环境温度降低而持续下降;

    During the winter , SOD activity did not decrease with the temperature going down . The result showed that low temperature response curve of SOD activity in these plants is different from that of cold sensitive plants .

  8. 高三尖杉酯碱(Homoharringtonine,HHT)是一种从常绿植物中提取的生物碱,最先由中国学者发现其具有抗急性白血病活性。

    Homoharringtonine ( HHT ) is a plant alkaloid derived from an evergreen tree , has high activity in cure of acute leukemia , which was discovered firstly by our Chinese scientists .

  9. 北美的一种匍匐的石南状常绿植物,开黄花。

    North American decumbent evergreen heathlike plant with yellow flowers .

  10. 广州市主城区常绿植物和落叶植物配置比例适合。

    Evergreen and deciduous plant allocation ratio is suitable .

  11. 七种阔叶常绿植物叶片的生态解剖学研究

    A study on ecological anatomy of leaves in 7 broad - leaved evergreen plants

  12. 多年生常绿植物,有巨大的基生叶;主要作为室内盆栽植物种植。

    Evergreen perennial with large handsome basal leaves ; grown primarily as a foliage houseplant .

  13. 而关于茶树这种木本常绿植物的抗虫性研究还未见报道。

    However , the study of resistance to insects about tea has not been reported .

  14. 塔斯马尼亚的一种高大常绿植物。

    Large evergreen tree of tasmania .

  15. 柑橘是四季常绿植物,开花量以及结果量都很大,需要供给大量的养分。

    Citrus is perennial and evergreen plant with many flowers and requires a large amount of nutrients .

  16. 一个低矮多分枝的木本常绿植物大属,从俯生亚灌木至乔木;真石楠。

    Large genus of low much-branched woody evergreens ranging from prostrate subshrubs to trees : true heaths .

  17. 四种常绿植物蒸腾速率、净光合速率的日变化及对环境的影响

    Effects of Diurnal Variations of Rising Rate , Net Photosynthesis Rate 4 Kinds of Evergreen Plants on Environment

  18. 隐棒属植物的任何一种;生长在淡水或含盐淡水中的一种多年生常绿植物;生长于亚洲的热带。

    Any plant of the genus Cryptocoryne ; evergreen perennials growing in fresh or brackish water ; tropical Asia .

  19. 海石竹属的任何一种喜光的矮生常绿植物,花粉红色或白色、成球状头状花序。

    Any of numerous sun-loving low-growing evergreens of the genus Armeria having round heads of pink or white flowers .

  20. 对常绿植物的越冬防寒设施进行了研究,得出最有效的防寒措施是塑料大棚;

    Researching the ways of overwinter protection , the result is that the plastic cover is the best protection way .

  21. 岩扇属的任何一种植物;多年生草本常绿植物,叶基生、平滑而坚韧,花美丽、单生、白色。

    Any plant of the genus Shortia ; evergreen perennial herbs with smooth leathery basal leaves and showy white solitary flowers .

  22. 通过对常绿植物越冬过程中叶片内可溶性糖含量的测定及抗寒力的测定,得出植物的抗性与生理适应性是相关的;

    Testing the soluble saccharide of leaves , got the result is that the ability to fight the cold weather is correlative with their adaptability .

  23. 山顶纪念广场的植物配置以场地围合为主,多运用常绿植物搭配作为纪念主体的背景,观花、观叶的灌木为前景。

    The memorial square plant allocation to venues Wai , more use of evergreen plants with memorial subject background , flowers , foliage shrubs for prospect .

  24. 丝兰属的任何一种常绿植物,具有高且粗的茎和顶生的白色花簇;产自北美的温暖地区。

    Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Yucca having usually tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers ; warmer regions of North America .

  25. 正交设计法优选小青龙贴膏乙醇回流提取工艺北美常绿植物,花浅紫色钟形,叶子长方形,以前用作胫痛贴膏。

    Study on optimizing ethanol refluxing extraction for Xiaoqinglong patch by orthogonal design method North American evergreen with small pinkish bell-shaped flowers and oblong leaves used formerly for shinplasters .

  26. 红树林,是热带滨海泥滩上特有的常绿植物群落,其大部分树种,都属于红树科,生态学上,将其称为:红树林。

    Mangrove forests , tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities , most of its species , belong to Rhizophoraceae , ecology , and its called : mangroves .

  27. 30种植物从雨季末期开始落叶,常绿植物也脱落近1/3–1/2的当年生叶片。

    In the late rainy season , 30 out of 32 species began to shed their leaves , and the evergreen species fell 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 current-year leaves .

  28. 背景金银花为忍冬科忍冬属多年生常绿植物忍冬的干燥花蕾,在我国山东、河南等大部分地区均有种植。

    Background The dry buds of the perennial evergreen plant honeysuckle ( Lonicerajaponica Thunb . ) - honeysuckle flower , has been planted in most areas of China , suchas Shandong and Henan Province .

  29. 如果您现在启动索引搜索,可能需要花费几分钟时间来给您计算机上的形状编制索引。北美常绿植物,花浅紫色钟形,叶子长方形,以前用作胫痛贴膏。

    If you start the Indexing Service now , it may take several minutes to index the shapes on your computer . North American evergreen with small pinkish bell-shaped flowers and oblong leaves used formerly for shinplasters .

  30. 泽米任一种泽米属常绿植物,原产于美国佛罗里达、墨西哥及西印度群岛,生有复叶,开有雌雄异体的球状花朵,其明显膨大的地下茎可制成类似竹竽粉的淀粉。

    Any of several evergreen species of the genus Zamia native to southern florida , mexico , and the West indies , having compound leaves , unisexual cones , and conspicuously thickened underground stems that yield starch resembling arrowroot .