
  • 网络With compression;tape compression
  1. 仅需要带压缩空气接头的盖。

    Only the cover with the compressed-air connection is required .

  2. 利用色谱区带压缩效应和场放大效应,对碱性化合物咖啡因的检测灵敏度提高了24000倍。

    With the combination of the chromatographic zone sharping effect and field amplified sample stacking effect , the sensitivity of caffeine was improved by a factor of 24,000 .

  3. 在最大似然准则下,推导出载波频偏和用户数据的估计表达式,然后利用带压缩因子的粒子群算法求解最优解。

    The estimation expressions of frequency offset and multi-user symbols are derived based on the maximum likelihood principle , and then the PSO algorithm with a compression factor is applied to gain optimal value .

  4. 本文借鉴了现有静音压缩算法,基于G.729.1C平台,提出了一种高频带静音压缩算法。首先,对现有静音压缩算法进行了详细的介绍和分析,分析了现有算法的特点和关键技术。

    This paper presents a high frequency silence compression algorithm based on G.729.1C platform . Firstly , this paper gives a detailed description and analysis of the current silence compression algorithm and a analysis of the characteristics of the current algorithms .

  5. 在以分类为背景的前提下,提出了一种更好的保存感兴趣谱带的压缩算法。

    A band of interest preservation algorithm is proposed for classification .

  6. 甚低比特率小波子带语音压缩编码

    Very Low Bit Rates Wavelet Subband Speech Compression Coding

  7. 扁带平板压缩的工程计算公式

    An engineering calculating formula of deformation force for strip forging between parallel platens

  8. 在分析了有限元分析中的总刚度矩阵性质及其存取运算特征之后,给出了一种带列压缩存储索引的链式行压缩存储算法,提高了总刚度矩阵元素的存储及访问效率。

    After analyzing the features of total rigidity matrix and its operation of the finite element analysis , it presented a kind of Linked Compressed Row Storage with column storage index format , which improved the efficiency of both the storage and its operation of total rigidity matrix .

  9. 采用DPCM方法,对低频子带进行无损压缩,有效地降低了最后的失真率;

    Using the DPCM method to code the lower frequency individually to reduce the distortion rate ;

  10. 最后,设计了完整的2.4kb/s多带激励语音压缩编码方案。

    A scheme of 2.4/kb/s MBE speech coder is designed completely .

  11. 一种快速小波子带分形图像压缩编码方法

    A fast algorithm of image fractal coding compression based on wavelet subbands

  12. 带参数的压缩映射定理

    The theorem of compressible mapping which depends on parameters

  13. 多带激励语音压缩算法的仿真实现

    The Simulation of a Multiband Excitation Speech Compression Algorithm

  14. 带前体压缩的前掠侧压式进气道实验及数值研究

    Experimental and numerical investigation of a forward sweep sidewall compression scramjet inlet with forebody compression

  15. 对平顶活塞及带坑活塞压缩过程的模拟结果,显示了两种湍流模型的差异。

    And that the simulation results of the compression stroke present the differences between both kinds of turbulence models .

  16. 在矢量量化和小波变换的结合方面,提出了一种基于视觉特性的小波变换跨带矢量量化压缩编码方案,并通过实验验证了算法的性能;

    Based on the former two theories , we propose a wavelet transform cross-band vector quantization based on human vision , and we verify the correction with experimentation .

  17. 基于子带的SAR图像压缩编码

    SAR Image Compression Based on Subband

  18. 拉曼带通滤光器压缩强激光背景的应用

    Application of Raman notch filters to suppression of laser background

  19. 16kbit/s分带自适应预测语音压缩系统中的正交镜象滤波器

    The QMF in 16 kbit / s SB-APC Speech Compression Coding System

  20. 其次,提出可见性连贯的分片三角形单条带化及其进一步压缩算法。

    Secondly , we propose a single triangle strip generation and compression algorithm .

  21. 三角形条带网格模型几何压缩方法研究

    Research on Geometry Compression for Triangle Strips Meshes

  22. 大块金属玻璃剪切带形成的原位压缩实验研究

    Study on the formation of shear bands in BMGs by " in-situ " compression tests

  23. 在引力场中慢自转、带磁场、可压缩、全导电气体中的线性波

    The local linear waves of a slowly rotating , compressible , perfectly conducting gas immersed in a uniform magnetic field under gravity

  24. 断续加载面内弯曲成形是其中的一种,它是通过冲头对金属板带进行断续局部压缩来实现板带面内弯曲成形的自由锻过程。

    The incremental in-plane bending is one of in-plane bending processes , and it is a free forging process accomplishing in-plane bending process by beating the metal strip partly with the p.

  25. 本文分析了在慢自转的旋转坐标系中有引力、带磁场、可压缩、全导电气体内线性波的传播。

    We analysed the dispersion relation of local linear waves of a compressible , perfectly conducting gas immersed in a uniform magnetic field under gravity in a slowly rotating frame of reference .

  26. 断续加载面内弯曲是通过倾斜冲头对金属板带进行断续局部压缩来实现成形的一种自由锻过程,工艺参数的交互作用对弯曲半径的影响很大。

    Incremental in-plane bending is a kind of free forging process by tilted punch compressing the metal plate to achieve partial forming . The interaction of process parameters has a great influence on the bending radius .

  27. 本文通过对大基础地基压缩层深度计算和工程实测结果的对比分析,提出了对不同土类地基上方形、矩形及带形基础地基压缩层深度的计算方法。

    A method for calculating the compression depth of different subsoil under square , rectangular , and strip foundation is presented based upon the comparison and analysis of results from computation of subsoil compressive depth under large foundations and from field measurement of certain projects .

  28. 文摘:通过对天然河流流带的拉伸或压缩处理,使之成为处处流速和水深均相等的理想河流,在此基础上建立了等效二维扩散模型。

    Abstract : it has been suggested that the model of two-dimensional equivalent diffusion in natural river is based on stretching or compressing the fluid band of natural river so that it changes into perfect River in which the flow velocity and the depth of water are equal every point .

  29. 在这里,文法将两种版本的命令(带数字和不带数字)压缩成了能以两种方式工作的单个版本。

    In this case , the grammar has condensed two versions of a command ( with and without numbers ) into one version that works both ways .

  30. 三角形条带为三角形网格提供了一种紧凑的表示方法,使快速的绘制和传输三角形网格成为可能,因此对由三角形条带构成的网格压缩进行研究具有重要的意义。

    Supported in software and hardware , triangle strips provide a compact representation methods of 3D Object of triangle mesh and are used for efficient rendering and transmission of triangle meshes , so it is very important to study geometry compression for triangle strips meshes .