
  • 网络Imperial College Business School;Imperial CollegeBusiness School;Imperial College Business Management;Imperial College Business School, London
  1. 但真正吸引伦敦帝国理工商学院(imperialcollegebusinessschool)创新和创业团队两位学者的,还是奥运会作为一个项目的挑战。

    But what fascinates two academics at the innovation and entrepreneurship group at Imperial College Business School in London is the challenge of the Olympic Games as a project .

  2. 2015年1月,帝国理工商学院推出了完全在线的全球MBA(GMBA)课程。

    Imperial College Business School launched its fully online global MBA ( GMBA ) in January 2015 .

  3. 帝国理工商学院教育技术实验室主任戴维·勒费夫尔表示,GMBA的多数学生不会考虑传统MBA。

    Most GMBA students would not consider a conventional MBA , says David Lefevre , director of Imperial 's Edtech Lab.

  4. 对于帝国理工商学院(ImperialCollegeBusinessSchool)混合式学习课程——全球MBA——项目主任戴维•勒费夫尔(DavidLefevre)来说,这些发现十分中听。

    Such findings are music to the ears of David Lefevre , programme director of Imperial College Business School 's blended learning course , the Global MBA .

  5. 帝国理工商学院保留换课的权利,不管什么时候当课程需要修改或者提高。

    Imperial College Business School reserves the right to alter courses whenever they need to be amended or improved .