
  • 网络Parthian Empire
  1. 安东尼计划东征帕提亚帝国,他意识到只有埃及能够为他提供充足的金钱和补给。

    While planning a campaign against Parthia in the east , Antony realizes he needs money and supplies , and cannot get enough from anywhere but Egypt .

  2. 他们听取了指导,并听有关人员谈论着丝绸之路。据说罗马人,帕提亚人和拜占庭帝国他们全都试图控制这条重要的贸易通道。

    They have listened to guides and heard the team talking about the Silk Road and they learnt that the Romans , the Parthians and the Byzantine empires all sought to control this important trade route .