
  • 网络London Paddington station;Paddington Station;Paddington
  1. 他到达帕丁顿车站,从那里又步行到坎伯兰旅馆。

    He arrived at Paddington station , whence he walked to the Cumberland hotel .

  2. 从伦敦帕丁顿车站出发的伦敦内城-卡迪夫火车交通线每日有17班,单程运行时间不超过两个小时。

    The Cardiff-London Inter-City service , from London Paddington , runs some seventeen times a day , with a journey time of less than two hours .

  3. 周一,凯特精神不错,意外与威廉一同在帕丁顿熊伦敦车站会见了有名的帕丁顿熊。

    Kate was in good spirits again on Monday when she made a surprise appearance alongside William to meet the famous Paddington Bear at the cuddly character 's namesake train station in London .