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shī gōng
  • Shigong;grandmaster;master's master;sorcerer
师公 [shī gōng]
  • (1) [grandmaster]∶师祖

  • (2) [sorcerer]∶神汉,即男巫师

师公[shī gōng]
  1. 最后就师公戏的传承与发展问题进行探讨。

    Finally papers probe into the inheritance and development of the Zhuang Opera .

  2. 高师公体教学效应调查研究

    Investigation and Study of Teaching Effect of Higher Teachers ' Institution Public Physical Education Course

  3. 悬壶济苍生,杏林弘真粹&访新加坡中医师公会名誉会长陈立健先生

    An Interview with Mr. CHEN Li-jian , Honorary Chairman of Singapore Association of Traditional Chinese Physicians

  4. 然后萨姜米庞仁波切拜见了师公,接受了个别的指导,并被鼓励回来再接受更多的教授。

    Afterwards , the Sakyong met with Dodrupchen Rinpoche , received personal instruction and was encouraged to return for further teachings .

  5. 其次描述上林壮族师公戏的历史渊源、特点及现状。着重介绍与上林壮族师公戏关系密切的几种民俗文化,它们分别是口头民俗、民间艺术和民俗信仰。

    Secondly , the article mainly describes its origin , characteristics and the present condition , etc. It emphatically introduced some folk cultures such as oral folklore , folk art and folk beliefs , which are closely related with Shanglin Zhuang Opera .

  6. 接着分析上林壮族师公戏的演艺习俗,包括戏神信仰习俗、戏班组织生活习俗和演出习俗等。再结合师公戏题材内容,分析民俗文化生活在其中的渗透。

    Then , analyzes the s performance custom of Shanglin Zhuang Opera , including the wizard beliefs , the theatrical troupes perform and life custom , etc. It combines with the subject matter of the Zhuang Opera , analyzes folk culture life in it .