
  • 网络Sailing
  1. 皮划艇、赛艇、帆船帆板等水上运动项目是奥运会的基础项目之一备受世界各国体育界的重视,水上项目是浙江省重点、优势项目。

    Aquatic sports such as canoeing , rowing and sailing are the elementary sports of the Olympic Games , and attached the importance to the world of sports .

  2. 国家帆船帆板队信息化平台的设计与应用

    Design and implementation of information platform for Chinese Sailing Team

  3. 这里是由中国帆船帆板运动协会开具的保险证明。

    Here is the insurance certificate from Chinese Yachting Association .

  4. 帆船帆板运动员年度训练计划的探讨

    Research on Sailing Athlete ' Yearly Training Plan

  5. 帆船帆板项目极为复杂,影响成绩的因素众多,其规律难以把握。

    Sailing is complex , whose influential factors are various and difficult to handle with .

  6. 建立帆船帆板俱乐部专业的管理团队,使俱乐部从投资人到消费者得到合理的协调。

    Set up a professional management team to coordinate both investors and consumers of the club .

  7. 研究探讨了帆船帆板和足球运动员情绪唤醒水平的生理监测指标与评价,结果表明:对于帆船帆板和足球项目运动员,前额肌电值不能作为情绪唤醒水平变化的评价指标;

    This paper discusses the physiological monitoring parameters and emotional arousal level of sailors and soccer players .

  8. 手掌心温度和手指端血容可以作为帆船帆板运动员情绪唤醒水平的敏感性监测指标;

    ST of Palm and BVP of fingers can be the sensitive parameters reflecting emotional arousal level of sailors .

  9. 提高帆船帆板教练员的业务水平,制定统一的从业资格审查制度,对教练员的素质及文明礼仪进行定期培训。

    Enhance the professional level of the sailboat and sailboard coaches . Make a unified professional qualification standard , and train the coaches at regular intervals .

  10. 中国帆协是全国帆船帆板运动的领导机构,是代表中国参加国际帆船组织的唯一合法组织。

    Chinese sail 's helping is a national sail boat sail plank sport of leadership organization , is representative China attend international sail boat to organize of the only legal organization .

  11. 设计了一套轻便、不影响运动员正常训练的帆船帆板训练运动状态实时遥测系统。

    An easy and convenient remote survey system has been devised for the actual time of the motion state sailing and windsurfing training , which wont affect the normal training for the athlete .

  12. 增加帆船帆板俱乐部的经营业务种类,引入水上自行车、滑水板、皮划艇等娱乐性水上项目,为消费者提供更多的消费选择,从而吸引更多的消费者,提高经营利润。

    Increase the business of sailboat and sailboard commercial clubs by introducing entertaining aquatic sports such as aquatic bicycles , aquaplanes as well as kayaks etc to supply more choices for customers , which will also attract more customers and make more profit .

  13. 游客大多是来进行帆船或帆板运动的。

    Most visitors come to sail or windsurf .

  14. 泛函数分析方法是一种VPP理论计算模型,文中比较巧妙地将帆与板的型值消掉,运用泛函数分析的方法建立了帆船、帆板VPP计算结果的简易校验标准。

    Function analyzing method is a kind of the VPP calculating model which can eliminate the influence of the sail and board 's size skillfully , so it can be regard as a brief standard of sailboard 's VPP results .

  15. 对我国帆船、帆板运动项目发展的整体思考

    The Development or Chinese Yachting and Windsurfing

  16. 随着帆船、帆板、摩托船等运动项目的推广普及,对海上运动场地带来更多更好的要求。

    Following the development of sailing boat , surf and moto-boat activities , it brings more and serious requests to the sea sport area .

  17. 我们对体育事业充满热情:青岛在2008年曾作为北京的伙伴城市成功举办了奥运会和残奥会帆船、帆板比赛;

    We have a passion for sports . In2008 , as a partner city of Beijing , Qingdao successfully hosted the Olympic and Paralympic Sailing Competitions and Windsurfing Competitions .

  18. 他们还说,即便是人体排泄物含量较高的场地,比如瓜纳巴拉湾,对在那里参加帆船和帆板赛事的运动员构成的威胁也微乎其微,因为他们和潜在污染物的接触十分有限。

    Even some venues with higher levels of human waste , like Guanabara Bay , present only minimal risk because athletes sailing or windsurfing in them will have limited contact with potential contamination , they add .

  19. 武术实力有待进一步提升;游泳成绩直线下滑;帆船(含帆板)竞技实力不够稳定;激流回旋、射箭和马术实力有待延续。

    Martial arts needs to be further enhanced ; swimming downs straightly ; sailing ( including windsurfing ) is not stable enough ; slalom , archery and equestrian should be continued to develop .

  20. 里约热内卢——巴西的健康专家向那些将于下月在里约风景如画的水域比赛的超长距离游泳运动员、帆船运动员和帆板运动员发出警告:闭紧你的嘴巴。

    RIO DE JANEIRO - Health experts in Brazil have a word of advice for the Olympic marathon swimmers , sailors and windsurfers competing in Rio de Janeiro 's picture-postcard waters next month : Keep your mouth closed .

  21. 青岛国际帆船中心是2008年奥运会帆船帆板比赛场地之一,其媒体中心钢屋面结构比较特殊,单榀平面结构为圆弧形H型钢梁和圆管柱铰接而成。

    The steel roofing of Qingdao International Sailboat Center for 2008 Olympic Games is shaped as quarter arc , which is made of H-beam and pipe column .