
  1. 圣波罗的白屋,布雷西亚,意大利

    The white houses in San polo , brescia , Italy

  2. 这一切都已经过去了,我们期待和布雷西亚的比赛。

    This is all in the past and we are looking ahead to Brescia .

  3. 布雷西亚认为,Jibo并不是要成为老年人的护工,也不想取代人力劳动。

    Breazeal contends that Jibo isn 't meant to be a caregiver for aging people or a replacement for human labor .

  4. Jibo也可以和智能手机一起工作,但布雷西亚决定给予它一个属于自己的大脑,而不是完全依赖智能手机。

    Jibo works with smartphones , but Breazeal chose to give the robot its own brain , rather than rely on a smartphone .

  5. 后来布雷西亚设计了她的第一款专门针对小孩子的社交机器人Kismet。

    Breazeal went on to build the first a social robot , which was called Kismet and intended for children .

  6. 在曼哈顿市中心的一家酒店的房间里,两个Jibo机器人和它们的发明者辛西娅o布雷西亚博士正在等着我。

    Off to a hotel room in Midtown Manhattan , then , where two Jibos and Dr. Cynthia Breazeal , the robot 's creator , awaited me .

  7. 早在麻省理工学院(MIT)读书时,布雷西亚就把她的整个职业生涯奉献给了社交型机器人。她最初不明白为什么美国国家航空航天局(NASA)可以把机器人送上火星,却不能把机器人送进地球上的千家万户。

    Breazeal has dedicated her career to social robots , starting as a grad student at M.I.T. When she was younger , she didn 't understand why NASA was sending robots to Mars but they still hadn 't arrived in people 's homes .

  8. 因为我拥有机器人科学的专业知识,并且我当时也很有兴趣将学术上的成果商业化[布雷西亚是麻省理工学院(MIT)媒体艺术与科学副教授],因此我们开始交谈。

    We started talking because of my expertise in robotics , and I was at a point in my carer where I was interested in commercializing the work that I had done academically [ Breazeal is an associate professor of media arts and sciences at MIT ] .

  9. 今天,当我们开车到布雷西亚,意大利,刚乘汽车三线高速公路。

    Today as we drove down the three lane expressway into Brescia , Italy , the cars just flew by .

  10. 明天下午我们将为周日下午3点与布雷西亚的比赛准备训练。上周跟切塞纳的比赛结果显然不能让我们满意。

    Tomorrow afternoon we are going to take up our training in Vinovo , getting ready for the match against Brescia on Sunday at3 pm .

  11. 在圣诞前一段时间,他不但在布雷西亚参加了卡丁车测试,而且还在他的家乡科尔班参加了一次24小时卡丁车比赛。

    In the run-up to Christmas he tested a kart at the Lonato circuit in Brescia and competed in a24-hour kart race in his hometown of Kerpen .

  12. 吉塞佩马特拉齐因为其执教生涯而赢得不菲的国内和国际声望,他曾经执教过比萨、拉齐奥、巴里、帕多瓦、布雷西亚、皮亚琴察、里斯本竞技以及天津泰达等多支球队。

    Giuseppe Materazzi won domestic and international fame as a coach , having guided teams such as pisa , lazio , bari , padova , brescia , piacenza , Sporting Lisbon and Chinese side Tianjin teda .