
  • 网络Bout;Butte;Boot
  1. 夫人,你家是在布特,是吗?

    And is your home in Butte , ma'am ?

  2. “夫人,你家是在布特,是吗?”派克直截了当地问克拉拉。

    " And is your home in Butte , ma'am ?" Pike directed his question to Clara .

  3. 本文以布特沃思型滤波器为例,提出了统一设计模拟和数字(IIR)滤波器传递函数的CAD方法,并给出了程序设计框图、设计举例和结果。

    Taking Butterworth filter as an example , this article presents a method of CAD for transfer function of analog and digital filter , and gives the block diagram , the designing examples , and results .

  4. 尼克和詹妮弗定下今年八月在布特(Bute)岛的罗思塞(Rothesay)城堡举行婚礼,他们准备去美国度蜜月。

    Nick and Jennifer are due to be married at Rothesay Castle on the Isle of Bute in August and they plan to spend their honeymoon touring the United States .

  5. 英国布特(BUT)火鸡血液生理生化指标的研究

    Study on Blood Physiology and Biochemistry Values of England BUT Turkey

  6. 西伯利亚板块与哈萨克斯坦板块间的缝合线在达尔布特-克拉麦里。

    The suture of Siberia plate and Kazakstan plate goes along Darbut-Kelameili .

  7. 英国布特火鸡生长规律的研究

    Study on Growth law of England BUT Turkey

  8. 我想我的丈夫约翰会在布特车站等着我。

    I expect my husband , John , will be waiting for me at the station in Butte , though .

  9. 在下午一点钟,我拨到了专用频道,收看了一部由简?方达和布特?雷诺茨主演的影片。

    At 1:00 pm . I switched to the cable channel and watched a movie with Jane Fonda and Burt Reynolds .

  10. 本研究对布特火鸡商品代进行屠宰测定、肌肉营养成分分析及肉食风味品评。

    In this paper , But Turkey was chosen to carry out slaughter determination , muscle nutrition analyse and meat flavor assess .

  11. 一条大的污水道正在建造中,它从阿克伦通向座落在一个名叫布特祖姆的小村子的新建的污水处理厂。

    A great sewer had just been built running from Akron to a new sewage disposal plant at the hamlet of Botzum .

  12. 首先介绍事件发生的直接原因,即乔治三世及布特政府的内外政策。

    Firstly , it describes the direct cause of the events , that is the domestic and foreign policies of George III and his Bute administration .

  13. 你站起来,厄尼…留神,福西特小姐…使劲捏住,血马上就能止住,布特…

    Up you go , Macmillan .... Careful there , Miss Fawcett ... Pinch it hard , it 'll stop bleeding in a second , Boot .

  14. 结论:吸入激素症状控制不满意的哮喘患者每日1次口服班布特罗可明显改善肺功能和临床症状。

    Conclusion : Once-daily oral bambuterol can significantly improve lung function and clinical symptom in patients with asthma , who still have symptoms on treatment with inhaled corticosteroids .

  15. 校园距离卡迪夫城堡、布特公园和威尔士国家博物馆(收藏有巴黎之外最多的法国印象主义艺术品)等游览景点仅数分钟的步行路程。

    The campus is only a few minutes walk to Cardiff Castle , Bute Park , and the National Museum of Wales with the world 's largest collection of French impressionist art outside Paris .