
  • 网络brauer;Brower
  1. 布劳尔希望这能够激发人们对现存的自然界荒野景色的喜爱和尊重,并可能的话前去旅游。PalaReflectioninDolomites,Italy白云石山脉帕拉倒影,意大利

    Brauer hopes to inspire people to appreciate and respect the remaining wilderness and perhaps go on a journey themselves .

  2. 我说,‘呃,是的,但只限和安妮塔(Anita)在一起时。’布劳尔女士回忆道。

    I said , ' Well , yeah , but only with Anita ,' recalled Ms. Brauer .

  3. 在去年夏季面向新入教职员工的迎新活动中,布劳尔女士发放了一张由威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校LGBT资源中心(LGBTResourceCenter)设计的袖珍代词表。

    At last summer 's orientation for new faculty members , Ms. Brauer handed out pocket-size pronoun charts created by the L.G.B.T. Resource Center at the University of Wisconsin , Milwaukee .

  4. 摄影师杰克▪布劳尔(JackBrauer)在爱好摄影前就对山脉充满兴趣,现在这两种爱好的激情聚合在一起产生爆炸性的结合。

    Photographer Jack Brauer has an interest in mountains that has preceded his love of photography , but now the two passions have come together in one explosive portfolio .

  5. 美国权威汽车价值评估网站KelleyBlueBook的分析师卡尔o布劳尔表示,升级汽车无线软件并非独特的技术,但特斯拉根据位置自动调整的空气悬架是一个他从未见过的有趣特色。

    The ability to wirelessly upgrade a vehicle 's software isn 't unique , according to Kelley Blue Book analyst Karl Brauer , who noted Tesla 's location-based air suspension was an interesting feature he hadn 't seen before .

  6. 布劳尔女士找到了教务主任基思·威廉姆斯(KeithP.Williams),此人曾与佛蒙特大学的律师们携手合作,允许跨性别者学生更改登记在校内系统中的名字,但是要求学生必须亲自到这位主任的办公室填写相关文书。

    Ms. Brauer reached out to the registrar , Keith P. Williams , who worked with the university 's lawyers to allow transgender students to change their first name in the schoolwide system , but doing so required an in-person visit to the dean of students " office and filling out paperwork .

  7. 布劳尔掌握的类似声波抽象模式是令人惊叹的。

    The soundwave-like abstract patterns that Brauer has captured are stunning .

  8. 我们正处在尴尬的过渡期,布劳尔说。

    We are in this weird transition , Mr Brauer said .

  9. 我是州务卿布劳尔这位是检察长怀亚特

    I 'm Secretary of State Brower . And this is Attorney General Wyatt .

  10. 布劳尔说:任何拥有内置无线网络的汽车,从技术上讲都能够升级其软件。

    Any car with built-in Wi-fi technically has the ability to update its software , said Brauer .

  11. 诉讼文件中称,布劳尔特要在工作中遭受许多折磨,导致他在2013年精神崩溃。

    But the documents described Mr Blauert as suffering greatly from this work , contributing to a mental breakdown in 2013 .

  12. 在逐渐增强的明亮日光或位于远方的日光帮助下,布劳尔作品中的山脉如同披上了彩虹般的色彩。

    With the help of a bright sun rising or setting in the distance , the mountain ranges in Brauer 's images are illuminated with a rainbow of hues .

  13. 布劳尔女士就曾听说有一名跨性别者新生因其教授在课堂上点名时,先念出了这名学生的女性合法姓名,又接着公布了该生的男性昵称,而感到无所适从。

    Ms. Brauer heard about one distraught transgender freshman whose professor , while calling roll , first read the student 's feminine legal name , then announced the male nickname .